Coming back from sin


We are so blessed today to share this post from Sister Connie Keyohara! God Bless you Sister!

1 John 1:9 say’s “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Coming back from the brink of sin is one of the hardest times you could ever imagine.

Have you ever felt like you’ve done something so terribly wrong, there is no way you’ll ever be forgiven?

Or maybe it’s just something others might deem simple, but in your mind it’s devastating?

I’m sure we’ve all been there at times. It’s an overwhelming feeling of grief and shame. You want to be different, or make better choices, but somehow you keep falling into this pit of despair.

“I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more” Isaiah 43:25

This is absolutely great news! God forgives us when we sin, if only we come to Him with a heart of repentance and ask for his forgiveness.

You might look at forgiveness as an act of pardon, absolution, remission, clemency, mercy or leniency. All of which God is the Author of. That shows us his power.

It’s a big mistake to stay stuck on your past sin. If you stay there, you’ll never move forward in Christ.

The Apostle Paul said it perfectly in Romans 7   “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate, I do. It is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.”

I’ve heard of people who won’t seek God in any way because they feel so ashamed of their past. This is heartbreaking, we should know that he is waiting to forgive us. Just go to him, ask and he will deliver you.

Only Jesus can bring this kind of forgiveness and wipe away even the worst of sins. Scripture tells us that If we trusts in Christ, then there is now no condemnation from God – he has forgiven you. Romans 8:1.

The Bible is full of people who sinned horribly. (adulterers, prostitutes, murderers) but who repented and were forgiven. You see, It doesn’t matter what you have done because Jesus can bring you forgiveness and reconciliation.

It is the great ploy of Satan to get us to think that there is no hope for our sin, no way out.  He’ll have us believing there is no possibility that we can ever be forgiven, redeemed and restored. He’s a liar though.

But remember, God’s grace and forgiveness are not a license to sin.  Habitual sin can be an indication that we may have not really repented, but only saying the words. Maybe it’s because we aren’t sorry for our actions, and don’t really care. God is not fooled by that!

My prayer for you today is that you wouldn’t let your past define your future with Christ.

Many Blessings,

Connie Keyohara

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