Today We Pay Tribute to Gene Duerksen


Welcome to the House of Hope……..Today we pray tribute to Evangelist Gene Duerksen…..

Gene Duerksen entered the gates of Heaven. Gene and his lovely wife Margaret are pictured above with all the grand kids!
There is a great void in the world now….But we rejoice that Evangelist Gene is with Jesus! Amen! Gene was ready to go home! Heaven is a prepared place, are you prepared for Heaven? This fits Gene to a T: To become a living sacrifice to the Lord is not only a duty but also a privilege. When we fully surrender to Him, He will transform us into the image of His Son Jesus, use us to further His kingdom, and bless our life with the fruit of the Holy Spirit. That is Gene!!! Amen! All Glory to God!

Gene lived his life to one day enter Heaven. I do not have the words to share how much I loved this man of God. He is one of my heroes of faith!
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Matthew 25:23
Gene is one of the best role models the world has ever seen on how to live for Jesus, how to preach Jesus, in truth and love, and how to do family in a Godly way! Amen!! God Bless the memory of Gene!!! We love you Margaret and your whole family!
Join us in praying for the family during this time. We love you all!
This morning Dr. Jim Denison posted the following and right away I though of Gene on how he would always put a smile on my face, make me laugh and encourage me in Jesus:
How to “put a smile on God’s face”
God deserves our best. Our broken world needs our best. The greater our commitment to excellence, the greater our service to God’s kingdom and the common good.

Author James Clear asks: “How long will you put off what you are capable of doing just to continue what you are comfortable doing?” Max Lucado notes: “When you do the most what you do the best, you put a smile on God’s face.”

Will you “do the most what you do the best” today?

Gene did is best for God and family everyday! Let us do the same.

From my post on Friday:

Yesterday I talked with my Brother in Christ Gene Duerksen of Delft, Minnesota. I became friends with this awesome man of God a few years back. I was introduced to Gene through the writings of Dave Fjeld of the Cottonwood County Citizen newspaper in Windom, Minnesota. I will always be thankful to my Brother Dave for his tremendous writing of Gene’s story of faith in Jesus. Gene and I had such a wonderful talk and a very special time of prayer yesterday. Please pray with me and Sharon for Gene and Margaret and the entire family please. Below I have posted a prayer and then a wonderful, loving post from Gene’s daughter Lynn Stoneking. Gene and Margaret are pictured above with the grand kids!!!
Oh Lord! We thank you for our Dear Brother Gene Duerksen, we love him so very much. Gene and his lovely bride Margaret have been such a blessing to so very many, they have been such a testimony of faith to us all. Lord, we pray for healing, for sleep, for peace and comfort for brother Gene and rest and peace for Sister Margaret. Lord, we love you and thank you for Gene and Margaret and the entire family, in Jesus name we pray, Amen!
I have to add that Gene knows the power of prayer, I asked him if we could all pray for him and he said, “Oh yes…” and we prayed together and then even thou he was not feeling good he prayed for me and Sharon. That is the type of man of God Gene is, always thinking and praying for others. We were blessed to have Gene speak at the Windom Revival one year and what he modeled for me was bringing forth the truth of Jesus with love and humor! I had not laughed that hard in years, as I did that night with the Godly humor Gene poured out in his message! I remember turning to look at the late Pat Fisher, and she was about falling off her chair laughing! Gene reinforced to me that night to always preach the TRUTH in LOVE, but PREACH THE GOSPEL TRUTH. Stand firm in love.
Gene is one of my HEROES OF FAITH

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