Why Can’t Average God Fearing People Make a Greater Impact?


Billy Graham Tribune Content Agency

Why can’t average God-fearing people make a greater impact?

Jul 11, 2019

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: It seems that the most popular people are the most influential people, yet so many of them fall from their high positions taking those they’ve influenced down with them. Why can’t average God-fearing people make a greater impact in the world? — I.D.

A: The Scripture teaches that popularity with the world means death. Satan’s most effective tool is conformity and compromise. He is aware that one man standing in the midst of a secular people can move them in the direction of God, or away from Him. From compromise to deceit is a small step.

God’s people are called to live for Him without compromise. It matters not whether they have high or lowly positions. We are to be faithful to God’s Word no matter where we find ourselves. We are to renounce the evil influence of the world, the flesh, and the devil. There can be no parleying, bargaining, compromise, or hesitation. “Follow the instructions of the Lord … do not compromise with evil” (Psalm 119:1, 3, NLT).

The Bible gives many examples of people who rose to high positions because of their faithfulness to God. Joseph was a faithful shepherd boy. He remained faithful when he was falsely accused and thrown in prison, but became prime minister in Egypt. Daniel was captured and enslaved, but rose to be a ruler over Babylon. But others fell from high positions because they turned their backs on God, like King Saul.

One of Satan’s most effective ways of blocking God’s work is to convince us God cannot use us to make an impact for Christ. But it isn’t true. The place God has each individual is where He wants to use us to influence others for His glory, and this is the key: that we do all for the glory of Christ.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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