Don’t Sweep It Under The Carpet… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Don’t Sweep It Under The Carpet…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I was remembering a trip to my first  writers conference this morning. I was so excited, a little scared and had a whole forty dollars. I wasn’t sure if I was a writer wanna be or if I truly had a gift.

My first night there, I glanced up at the ceiling there was a large spider. I called the front desk and a man came with a broom. I sorta chuckled but thought oh well, it’s taken care of now. That was until I got back in under the covers an another spider appeared on the ceiling. Once again I called the front desk and the maintenance man came with the broom.  I don’t know if it was the third or fourth call to the front desk the maintenance man brought his chair and sat outside my door with his broom. I thought they would spray the room or move me to another room. Apparently he wasn’t licensed to spray and there were no other rooms left that night. The man outside my room with his broom was the best they could offer me. (True story)

It brings me to say this beautiful people. Whatever you are dealing with in life today, don’t sweep it under the carpet. Meet with Jesus and let him handle the web, the mess, the spiders in your life. God never called you to perfection beautiful people, he called you to journey life with him. He became sin so we could be righteous. We are only righteous because of the blood of Jesus Christ.

If you have a life issue don’t sweep it under the carpet, talk with Jesus today. He already knows and sees it all. He loves you and he has the way of escape. He will deliver you and  set you free. He will send you help from on high. Learn to live free in him and enjoy your life every day journeying it with him. Let him kill the spiders in your life. There is no web too big. Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for your love for mankind. You loved us enough to die for us. You desire to have communion with us every day. Thank you for being a God that is close and not being a far off distant God.

Father, no matter what life issue a person is struggling with today, nothing changes. People can be real before you today. You say, I love them, I died for them and I desire to set them free. I want to be their God and they my people. 

Father, thank you for your amazing love. Draw people to yourself today, we pray. Set them free according to your Word. Thank you that there is no spider too big for you to destroy in a person’s life. Addictions, drug, worry, abuse, abortion, there is nothing you can’t redeem. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Talk with him today about anything you are struggling with. He has a plan. He loves you.

He has sent redemption to His people; He has ordained His covenant forever; Holy and awesome is His name. Psalm 111:9

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24

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