Thought of the day:
Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. Reference Philippians 2:3-4 NKJV

One of the things Paul addresses here is how we treat each other. He talked a lot about loving others and putting others above ourselves. If you think about it, Our Lord Jesus instructed us the same way. Remember He said that others will know us by our love for each other (John 13:35).

Looking at these instructions, we should examine ourselves to see if maybe we are a toxic person. One definition of a toxic person is, “Toxic people constantly criticize others, for their appearance, personality traits, behavior, or anything else that catches their attention.” ( This particular article talks about this person blames others, is passive aggressive, criticizes others, manipulates others, is negative, and uses emotional blackmail. These traits are predominantly more apparent in this person than love.

When we walk with Jesus, these things should not be character traits for us. These things are to be put off, like other parts of our flesh. We need to Look to Him to learn how to Love like He does.

A problem we have when we hang out with a toxic person is we tend to start to buy into their veiw of others. We need to be careful when dealing with this person, that we don’t get stuck in what they are doing. We do want to show them Love as well but, being careful not to get “sucked in”.
For us, personal examinations are very important for us daily. Are we becoming critical? Are we becoming negative? Are we blaming others for everything instead of taking ownership? Are we being passive aggressive. Are we emotionally blackmailing others? Are we manipulating others? These are good questions to ask ourselves and Our Lord.

If we are stuck in any of these things, we need to ask for forgiveness first from Our Lord and then from those we have affected. This is part of walking together. We all can be susceptible to any or all of these traits sometimes. We need to be aware.

It’s ok for us to admit we’re wrong, no matter how long we’ve walked with Jesus. John wrote in 1 John that first, if we say we don’t sin, than we are liars. Second, that if we repent, we will be forgiven.

Let’s continuously be on guard, with how we treat others and be sensitive, we never know what they are going through completely.

Successful people, forgive, forget, and apologize. ~Bud Bilanich

If we are to please God, we need to allow The Holy Spirit to set us apart. We need to pursue a sinless life. We are to seek Righteousness. How do we do it? Through prayer, study, fellowship, being willing to be corrected/accountability, discipleship, and service.  
It starts with Our Relationship with Jesus. If you don’t have a Relationship with Him or you need to rekindle that Relationship, do it now. Call out to Him and seek his Love and Forgiveness. It really is as hard or easy as you make it. We should look to Him daily to seek a relationship with Him. I want to encourage you to seek Him today, if you haven’t already.
If you need help, have questions or need direction in this regard, please, feel free to let me know. Maybe today you are struggling with something. Maybe you may have found yourself not as close to The Lord as you thought. We would like to help you in this through prayer and guidance.
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