I’ll Be Preaching at FBC in Reserve, NM on Father’s Day! Next Sunday I’m in Glenwood!


Happy Father’s Day!!!

God Bless you all! I am so super blessed to be preaching on Father’s Day at the First Baptist Church in Reserve! Please come if you do not have a Church home.

Next Sunday I will be at the Glenwood, NM First Baptist Church

I am going to share this story from my mentor Pastor Leonard Navarre…….

Many years ago, I was teaching a class at a Bible college.  I was facing the back door to the classroom.  It was open, giving me a view across the hall to the door to the Men’s Restroom.  A few minutes into the presentation, the bathroom door flew open and there stood my youth minister’s son with his britches and underwear around his ankles.  With this panic look on his face, he screamed, “DAD I NEED YOU!”

That is a slogan and cry from every child today, DAD WE NEED YOU!

So what do we need?  Ephesians 4:1 gives a glimpse into the desires of our families today.  It states, “live a life worthy of the calling”, (AMP).

I have much, much more to share with you on Father’s Day! I will be sharing on what being a DAD really means, Eph. 5:22! I pray I see you!

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