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SAD: U.S. is No Longer the World’s Most Competitive Economy!

The US is no longer the world’s most competitive economy
Fox News

For the first time in nine years, Singapore replaced the U.S. as the world’s most competitive economy. Read the full story


Shared from Apple News

We, the United States are a financial disaster, we are playing monopoly! NOBODY is paying attention to the Federal Deficit!!! Whatever happened to the Republicans??? They used to watch the budget???!!! Whatever happened to “Deficit Hawks?”

Those folks in D.C. are all focused on themselves and their special interests. They attack each other while the country is stuck in mud. The people’s business never gets done.

The folks in D.C. are not good stewards: Now it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. 1 Corinthians 4:2

If your a Republican or Democrat, I am neither, (I am a registered Independent, I vote for the best person) I don’t know how you can be happy with your party, the joke is on us.

The American government is dysfunctional. It is spending trillions of dollars we do not have. What happened to us? We are not good stewards of what God has given us. Deficit Hawks

Read this: U.S. Deficit by Year


Take the rose colored glasses off America! I have to be a budget hawk with our personal finances, and the ministry. We run a tight ship. God told me when we started FGGAM to never go in debt. We will be 7 years young in August and God keeps us going.

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