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God Saved Sharon From a Horrible Accident Today! ABQ DRIVERS SLOW DOWN!

FGGAM Photo of Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede

I always lay my hands on Sharon and pray for her safety every day driving to work and coming home. This morning she was almost T-boned, it would’ve been a horrific accident. God protected her on her way to work! Praise God! Be in prayer constantly on everything! Life is one big prayer!

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

Drag racing in ABQ is a sport, many have died because of this!We are having horrible accidents on side streets! Just a few days ago a two motorcyclists were racing and one was killed when he collided with a car.

 U.S. Air Force Personnel Cause Drag Racing Fatality

Speeding is a sin. You are breaking the law, you are endangering the lives of others.

Sadly Albuquerque has more than its share of very reckless drivers. I have come to the point now when I see company vehicles speeding I call the company and report them. Sadly I do not get much of a response from these companies in having their speeding drivers slow down! Albuquerque! practice the sanctity of life! Speeding is a result of selfishness and not thinking of others and not thinking that you may kill someone by your speed.

I drive 1-25 on many Sundays coming back from Reserve and the two most violators of speeding trucks is TLC Plumbing and Valley Fence Company of ABQ. I have reported more than once of their trucks driving 85 to 90 mph on I-25 by Belen and Los Lunas. I have called both companies and have not received a nice response, I looking for a caring attitude, an attitude caring for the lives of others. Is speeding to or from a job more important than a life? 

I encourage you to do the same and report companies that have service trucks that are speeding.

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