All Glory to God that this morning we have readers from the United States of America, Kenya, South Africa, Philippines, United Kingdom, Russia, Uganda, Norway, Hong Kong and Romania!!! God has blessed us with a worldwide reach! Praise God! All Glory to God!!! TEAM JESUS!!! FGGAM.ORG
FGGAM.ORG will be 7 years young in August of this year, Lord willing, during this time we have reached over 6 million people around the globe. Only God could do that!
Happy Resurrection Sunday to all!
Life Verse for Pastor Dewey Moede
“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24
We are so super blessed by all of our writers for God!!! Our awesome supporters fuel us with continued support so we can go on!
Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
The Great Commission
…18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”…
This post is written by my Dear Friend Zibeon (Zibby) Winn of Albuquerque, New Mexico who traveled with me to FBC in Reserve this past Sunday. Zibby is studying in ministry! Zibby is pictured above. God bless my young friend for this message of the love of Jesus!
The sun hasn’t started to rise to paint the desert sky as the earth yawns and stretches into life. Sunday morning Pastor is ready with his suit and briefcase full of notes. With 205 winding miles to Reserve New Mexico, the anticipation builds for the congregation. With a car full of faith to get us there and a praying family behind us I am privileged to step into this car and smoothly drive to Reserve for the first time in my life.
For seven years this congregation has had the blessing of hearing the gospel from the faithful lips of the witness I call Pastor. For seven years this man, Pastor Dewey Moede has seen this church grow, thin, hurt, rejoice, sing, and mourn. For seven years this man has driven out time after time and reached in faith for the words that these people have needed to hear. For seven years this congregation has welcomed Pastor as their preacher, their friend, and their brother in Christ. You can imagine how blessed I was to be in such company on such a mission.
I have known Pastor for about two years and from the get go we have clicked, we have prayed together, laughed together and cried together. The hardest times in my life have been overcome first by the grace of Jesus our Savior and secondly by the fervent prayers of this righteous man.
I have never seen such a congregation that comes together in such a special way, not with a strong clap of thunder, just a simple and steady enthusiasm and a great anticipation to see the Holy Spirit move. The early church had everything in common because they were all searching for the same thing. Naturally the phenomenon still occurs in the hearts of the body of Christ today. Reserve is a simple town and quiet at that, when we got there, the people were so warm hearted and there were more people in Reserve than the other small towns we passed. The church in the heart of the town is the simplest and the most inviting. Everywhere I happened to look there was a story that went with the object. The stained windows, the original chairs, the church bell ringing, the entire left wing. I am more thankful for the lips that carried the stories than I am of the stories themselves.
The angels were singing that morning with the warmhearted people that I had just met, and I am sure that heavens doors of inspiration were open to the mind of Pastor as he prepared his heart for the message. The message was filled with facts to keep our minds engaged, passion to quicken our hearts, and depth that largely had us consider our motives in our daily affairs. This message was met with the working of the Holy Spirt as I am constantly praying for His work in the lives of those around me. The Lord showed me an answer to prayer by of the moments after the Lord’s Supper. I met a young lady and she quickly shared how she had been stirred to action during the moments of partaking in this remembrance. Intent ears and silent lips left the words of Pastor’s voice reverberating in the sanctuary and it is easy to see why people feel safe inside this church.
I learned something new as I always do when I am with Pastor. The message is simple. Today a youth grows up in a day and age where lunch, bills, temptation and entertainment are all accessible in a single stroke. The people of Reserve are simple folk, it shows in their lifestyle and their hospitality towards Pastor and then to me. Pastor assured me that there are so many rabbit holes to get caught up in and the only true path is the simple road of the gospel, and it happens to be the same one Jesus walked up to Golgotha hill. I was reminded again before I left when I shared my testimony with a new-found friend.
The next thing I learned is this, and I will end here. You can see a person’s intentions a mile away. You can see the glisten in their eyes when someone lights up with their passion, you can hear the harmony in their voice as they reach out in confidence and you can feel the genuine embrace in their hug and open arms. I am greatly honored to meet the kind-hearted men and woman that serve the community in Reserve. I look forward to seeing the church being invigorated with vibrant new growth. They have a heart open to the Holy Spirit and a Pastor willing to lead them anywhere. I pray to be this honest and passionate when I am called to the mission field this fall.
From Pastor Dewey:
We met Lucy from France hiking through Reserve on her way to the Montana/Canadian border! She asked for a ride to Pie Town and we were happy to do so. We had a wonderful discussion about Jesus as we traveled and I gave her a Charles Stanley study Bible! Thank you Lord for this divine appointment!
Many travel through Reserve hiking, people from all over the world. The First Baptist Church of Reserve opens its doors to all. Many times over the years Deacon Charles McCargish has opened up the Church for hikers to shower, sleep, and to provide them with a meal or two.
I love the heart of ALL THE PEOPLE in Reserve. It is such a wonderful community! FBC showing the love of Jesus to all!