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APS Goes to The Money Well Again, This Time For $10M

APS is going to the money well once again, this time $10M for 10 extra days of school? Is my Minnesota math correct? Albuquerque Public Schools is looking to extend the school year by 10 instructional days for roughly 20,000 students across the district.
On Monday, the school district sent an application to the state Public Education Department, seeking $10 million to implement the “Extended Learning Program.”
APS failed to increase our property taxes last year, PTL! APS is a money pit. They do not know how to manage the taxpayers money. Why not focus resources on the building improvements that APS said they needed? ABQ Journal Report
I continue to challenge APS, I worked for the school district in my hometown of Windom, Minnesota as a custodian before going to radio/tv school. The schools were so clean you could eat of the floor, we spent the taxpayers money wisely.  My dad, Wally Moede managed the school buses. Dad worked with a very tight budget but always had a top fleet of buses which always passed state inspections. I know how a well-oiled machine should run budget wise, I also managed radio stations on very tight budgets.
The ministry here at FGGAM is also run on a very tight budget. I am so tight I squeak! I just feel our donors very much deserve that their support be treated with extreme care. We are not in debt.
It seems that APS loves to spend others folks money, however they wish.
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