2 Timothy 1:3 (NKJV): I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day

Are you praying for others in your life?

We all go through many struggles in our lives. We need to be like Paul was with Timothy, and others, always praying for those in our lives. When we develop an excellent prayer life for others, we start being sensitive to their needs.

People love to hear that we are praying for them. This is a form of encouragement. When you call them and ask what they may need prayer for, you may find that you not only have specific prayer concerns that you can raise up for them, You also may find that you might be able to help them by referring them to someone you know. This also helps when you are talking to others and someone may mention something that they have or can do that might bless the person(s) you are praying for.

Yes, God answers prayers miraculously. However, when we think about what Paul talked to the Thessalonian church, that we are to pray without ceasing, we find out that God can use us and others to answer those prayers.

There was an atheist who lived next to an older woman, who, would ask The Lord to provide some groceries for her every night, for several days, because her money for the month ran out. This atheist, being sick of hearing her cry out, decided he was going to “show her” there was no such thing as God, went out and bought her groceries. When he returned, he knocked on her door and said, “I want you to know there is no such thing as God. He didn’t provide you any groceries, I did.” Her response? “Yes but God used you to do so.”

What is your prayer life for others like? I hope it is to be in constant prayer for them.


If we are to please God, we need to allow The Holy Spirit to set us apart. We need to pursue a sinless life. We are to seek Righteousness. How do we do it? Through prayer, study, fellowship, being willing to be corrected/accountability, discipleship, and service.  
It starts with Our Relationship with Jesus. If you don’t have a Relationship with Him or you need to rekindle that Relationship, do it now. Call out to Him and seek his Love and Forgiveness. It really is as hard or easy as you make it. We should look to Him daily to seek a relationship with Him. I want to encourage you to seek Him today, if you haven’t already.
If you need help, have questions or need direction in this regard, please, feel free to let me know. Maybe today you are struggling with something. Maybe you may have found yourself not as close to The Lord as you thought. We would like to help you in this through prayer and guidance.
If you find yourself in need of prayer and/or encouragement, please, feel free to call or text +1 (505) 600-1027 or email cross66info@gmail.com
Or, you can download our app at:  www.pray.com/Cross66.
If you are seeking to grow in your Faith, please check out CCF College at: www.ccfcollege.com/15.html
Interested in supporting our ministry? Please, feel free to give at https://www.paypal.me/cross66

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