Over 500 New Mexicans Packed The Capital to Stand in The Gap For God to Stop Radical Abortion Bill HB 51!


We are so very thankful for this report from Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance for Life: Over 500 New Mexicans packed the Capital to defeat radical abortion extremism and stand with the majority who oppose #HB51. Please- we cannot stop contacting every NM Democrat Senator, lives are in the balance and some Senators are wavering including Sen Richard Martinez of Rio Arriba county.

We also have a report from Ethel Masharg of Right To Life Committee of New Mexico, thank you Ethel!

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Hello Everyone,
Today we had over 500 people in attendance for the Pro-life rally. It was incredible. Once more they came from everywhere in spite of snow and cold weather. We had several speakers and we had a surprise visit from our Right to Life National President, Carol Tobias and she addressed the crowd. We also had the privilege of hearing from our representatives and our good friend Mark Gonzales, Executive Director of Hispanic Action Network. The place was electric as everyone participated fully.
Below is a picture of attendees who went with us to the Governor’s office to deliver the 22,000 signatures we had gathered. At least 100 participated in this portion of the event. As expected she was not there to receive us, yet we made our presence known.
Once again we waited until late in the evening to see if HB 51 would be brought up. It was not, but will probably be heard tomorrow. We will be there in the event it is heard. Please keep up the pressure on both Senator Richard Martinez (505) 966-4487 and His home (505) 747-2337 and Senator Benny Shendo (505) 986-4310 and his office (575) 834-7359. We understand that the Governor is exerting extreme pressure on these men so we need to give them a nudge. We have come too far to stop now. We will keep you updated on this bill.
Thank you all who came and to those who told us they couldn’t but were praying for us. Everyone is doing their part and I’m so grateful for you. I appreciate you all. Thank you so much for all you do for the cause for life.
God bless you,
Ethel Maharg
Executive Director
2413 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite A
Albuquerque, NM 87112-1164
Phone: 505-881-4563
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RTLCNM, 2413 Wyoming Blvd NE, Ste A, Albuquerque, NM, NM 87112

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