Great message by my Dear Brother Jude!

Jude Sisneros

Luke 24:28-32″As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus acted as if he was going farther. 29) But they urged him strongly, ” Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over”. So he went in to stay with them. 30) When he was at the table with them, he took the bread , gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them.31) Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. 32) they asked each other, “. We’re not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us? ” … My thoughts … These two men were on a path of confusion, lost , Christ had been crucified , and what Jesus did for them in that moment.. Is He showed up… He took a walk with them…and in the walk he acted like he was going further.. Because God will never force His will on you, He will wait to be asked to come in.. When He acted like He was going further.. Then is when the two asked Him to come stay with them .. We as people have to do the same.. Jesus always shows up.. But it’s us that has to ask Him in.. That’s when all authority of the heavens becomes available to you.. Immediately when He broke bread with them.. They recognized Him… Break bread with The Lord .. And He’ll do the same with you.. When they recognized Him He disappeared from sight.. But not from heart.. They then felt a burning desire to move on.. A strength …how can that be we ask? Because when The Lord shows up.. And you ask him in.. You will burn with the desires of your calling when it is revealed .. Jesus spoke to them through His word.. Scriptures… Bam!! In verse 33 the bible says “they got up and returned at once to Jerusalem”.. Wow they stepped into their calling.. And put feet to the message….you want to know God’s will for your life? Heed the fire baby!! That burning desire within.. That only comes from The Lord .. Do you have the burning passion to sing on a praise team? Then sing!! Is your heart stirred up by that burning inside to reach the lost !! Then teach, preach it!! It is God that qualifies the call not man.. It is God that gives you the spiritual giftings.. And u will recognize it.. God called me to play praise music and preach his word!! Don’t ever let anybody hinder that call from The Lord !! If you’re in a church that tells u you’re not ready, or you’re not tithing correctly, don’t let even the church hinder the spirit!! Don’t get me wrong , God calls us to be givers and to come under submission to our authorities . We need to be obedient to our pastors, and most are lead by the spirit. There has to be order in the church, but a man or women who is faithful , not perfect but faithful, and the pastor creates new criteria as he goes along to fit what he believes is right for you within your calling , you might have to question it..Stay in Word, Prayer, and be consistent ,you were called by The Lord to operate within your calling.. God has called willing vessels , not perfect vessels.. Don’t let your church or anybody make you believe that if you’re disobedient to what they expect, or the man made criteria will disqualify you from being ready to operate within your spiritual giftings.. All churches have bi- laws.. I know.. And you have to be obedient I know, but everyone including, your pastor operates in their spiritual giftings as a sinner.. We are all sinful period.. That’s why we needed a Savior… You got that burning desire to serve.. Then serve!! When you operate in your spiritual giftings… You will be given the strength through the Holy Spirit.. The Helper, and you will want to become obedient to a higher authority.. If man hinders you telling you you’re not ready when you got that fire .. It can cause a disaster.. You just might continue on that road of confusion.. It is The Lord that will illuminate your direction, and purge infection.. The fire of your heart is the light of your path. Cynics may doubt, but to meet the Savior is to be set aflame..there is a lot of great pastors that will encourage your calling.. And some may hinder.. I’m sorry but pastors who hinder bug the heck out of me.. .. God gave Jeremiah a fire for hard hearts, forty years of fruitless preaching didn’t extinguish the fire of Noah , forty years of wilderness wandering didn’t stop the passion of Moses , Goliath didn’t stop David, there was a fire within them all.. Be obedient to the spirit.. Follow the lead of your pastors.. But first be sure who’s leading them.. That is all

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