UPDATED: Elisa Martinez and the Truth About the NM Radical Abortion Bill


UPDATED Feb. 13th 2019 at 4:26pm:

FGGAM NEWS just received this news release from Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance for Life:

Deceptive information is circulating about the radical abortion up-to-birth billHB-51, in light of public outrage at the passage of the radical bill in the NM House of Representatives. Read more about what you can do + special event this Monday at the Capitol.
The nation’s most extreme abortion bill, HB 51 is awaiting a committee assignment in the Senate, most likely to be the Senate Public Affairs Committee and then on to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
If these bills are voted out of both committees, it will move quickly to the Senate Floor. For expediency, we ask that you now begin to contact every member of the Senate to vote against both radical anti-life bills HB 51 and HB 90. We also need every citizen of the state to be informed of these life and death issues before our legislature now. For an in-depth analysis of what the language in HB 51and the statute it seeks to repeal, read more below.
We have word from some of our legislators, both in the Senate and House, that thepro-abortion Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham is pressuring Democrat legislators to vote “FOR” these radical bills. We must work together to overcome the pressure and misinformation about this bill that “it only decriminalizes abortion” “it keeps the status quo” or “HB 51 only strips a few lines from the statute.”
We have compiled a comprehensive analysis including the exact language of the bill, the exact language of the existing statute HB 51– including currently enforced portions it will strip and the consequences.
The Bishops of New Mexico will be hosting a special Prayer Rally and Candlelight Vigil at the Rotunda in Santa Fe this Monday, February 18, 2019, from 6 pm – 7 pm. We want to encourage you to participate in this peaceful and prayerful event.
If you are planning a trip to Santa Fe on Monday, you can also visit with key members of the Senate in their office that day, encourage them to VOTE NO on the bill. Personal visits are very impactful, as we know the abortion lobby has a constant and prominent presence at the Capitol.
  • SHARE: Share this critical information with everyone you know in your community and beyond: groups, churches, and family.
  • SIGN THE PETITION and SHARE: Help us get from 10,000 to 20,000 to present to Governor Lujan Grisham and the entire NM Senate!
  • VISIT THE CAPITOL: Plan a Church or group travel to the Capitol– especially if your Senator is in a Democrat county.
  • FOLLOW THE BILLS HERE to see when they will be placed on the calendar.
Here is what the bill repeals:
“AN ACT REPEALING SECTIONS 30-5-1 THROUGH 30-5-3 NMSA 1978 (BEING LAWS 1969, CHAPTER 67, SECTIONS 1 THROUGH 3) THAT CRIMINALIZE ABORTION. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF NEW MEXICO: SECTION 1. REPEAL.–Sections 30-5-1 through 30-5-3 NMSA 1978 (being Laws 1969, Chapter 67, Sections 1 through 3) are repealed.”
Stripping these laws would strip away these statutes, which take away:
Parental Consent & Physician Requirement:
“justified medical termination” means the intentional ending of the pregnancy of a woman at the request of said woman or if said woman is under the age of eighteen years, then at the request of said woman and her then living parent or guardian by a physician licensed by the state of New Mexico using acceptable medical procedures in an accredited hospital.”
Conscience Protections:
“A person who is a member of, or associated with, the staff of a hospital, or any employee of a hospital, in which a justified medical termination has been authorized and who objects to the justified medical termination on moral or religious grounds shall not be required to participate in medical procedures which will result in the termination of pregnancy, and the refusal of any such person to participate shall not form the basis of any disciplinary or other recriminatory action against such person.”
The bill’s sponsor, Representative Joanne Ferrary stated on multiple occasions that the measure is NOT an abortion bill and that it would merely ‘keep the status quo.’
However, the dangerous bill would not just keep the already dangerous ‘status quo,’ it would endanger women and children through unsafe abortions performed by medical professionals who do not have to be doctors and will be forced into performing the procedure against their conscience. Young girls would not have to inform their parents of the procedure and could be manipulated into the abortion by their rapist.
This by no means is the ‘status quo,’ nor should it be. Keisha Atkins, who died from complications after a late-term abortion procedure by abortionist Curtis Boyd ofSouthwestern Women’s Options was a product of this ‘status quo,’ with the abortionist performing the dangerous procedure, and giving her literature telling her not to call 911 if she had a medical emergency.
A late-term abortion is NEVER medically necessary. A study by the abortion industry-backed Guttmacher Institute shows the reasons most women get abortions after 20 weeks:
“They were raising children alone, were depressed or using illicit substances, were in conflict with a male partner or experiencing domestic violence, had trouble deciding and then had access problems, or were young and nulliparous.”
It’s crystal clear that if this bill passes, the people who would benefit most from HB-51 are abusive men and abortion centers that can make money off of these dangerous procedures, that is if the woman makes it out alive.
NMAFL has recorded over 17 medical emergencies in recent years at Southwestern Women’s Options, where women have suffered grave medical complications and even death.
Joanne Ferrary and 39 other New Mexico House Democrats collectively received over $228,000 in donations from the abortion lobby last election cycle, and have shown New Mexicans that they can be bought and paid for.
Your Friend in LIFE,
Elisa Martinez
Founder and Executive Director
New Mexico Alliance for Life
Help us FIGHT BACK! You can also donate to New Mexico Alliance for Life here, by making a secure online donation. Your support helps us continue to travel to Santa Fe and expose the extreme abortion lobby in our state. Your help is needed now more than ever. You may also mail your donation to 1208 San Pedro Dr NE, #122 Albuquerque, NM 87110. New Mexico Alliance for Life is a 501c4 non-profit organization, donations are not tax deductible.Thank you for your support!
The New Mexico Alliance for Life is a nonpartisan organization focused on changing state and local laws by empowering women with better and informed choices when facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies and advocating for better protections for women and unborn children from an unsafe abortion industry. For more information visit www.nmallianceforlife.org
NM Alliance for Life | NM Alliance for LifeAlbuquerque, NM 87110

So very blessed to have Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance For Life as my guest here on the World We Live In. Elisa brings the truth and details about HB-51 the abortion bill that allows the killing of babies right up to birth!
National outlets like Fox News are finally paying attention to New Mexico’s HB-51 and its extreme push to legalize abortion up to the date of birth while stripping critical protections for women, children, and doctors.

Radical assisted suicide bill HB-90 to be heard TODAY at 1:30 pm in the New Mexico House Judiciary Committee in room 309.

What You Can Do Today:

On Wednesday, the radical HB-51 passed the House of Representatives on a vote of 40-29, with six Democratic House members voting with every Republican against the bill. Now, the dangerous bill moves to the Senate for a vote. Contact your State Senator. Listen now for more very important information.


Lastly, check out a new Fox News article explaining this radical bill, and how it is a “Trojan horse” for dangerous abortion-up-to-birth!

FGGAM NEWS just received this news release from NM House Republicans:

House Republicans Call on Governor to Disclose Results of Public Input on Radical Abortion Bill

Calls to House Republicans are 90% Opposed to House Bill 51

Santa Fe – House Republicans are calling on Governor Lujan Grisham to make public the numbers of New Mexicans who have called her office opposing House Bill 51. The radical, full term abortion bill passed out of the House despite bipartisan opposition late Wednesday evening. Since the vote, national media outlets have covered the radical “status quo” of abortion in New Mexico including the practice of allowing elective abortion up to the day of birth even if the child and mother are healthy.

Calls into members of the House Republicans continue to be overwhelmingly opposed to House Bill 51 with 994 total calls received of which 898, or over 90% are opposed. Constituents are reporting calls to the Governor’s office are being combined into a similar tally. House Republicans are calling on the Governor to release the number of calls that have come to her office on House Bill 51 with a breakdown of how much support and how much opposition to the bill.

“As New Mexicans learn about how the practice of abortion is conducted in New Mexico, they’re outraged,” said Rep. Rachel Black (R-Alamogordo). “We were sent here to represent our constituents and that means we listen when they reach out.”

“Calls into my office overwhelmingly oppose this bill,” said Rep. David Gallegos (R-Eunice). “The people in my district, and all of New Mexico deserve to know if the Governor is listening.”

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