Do You Have More To Give? Step Out… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Do You Have More To Give? Step Out…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. I listen to many interesting stories people share on their journey called life. It has taken courage to keep stepping out keeping their vision before them. God tells us without a vision the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18).  There will be distractions, disappointments, ups and downs but we must keep stepping. Even a setback is just temporary. Most folks have learned to keep stepping and not let fear hold them back. Otherwise we will remain stuck.

I really sense God has asked many of you to write books, record albums, speak, change jobs, open a business, take steps towards the dream God has placed in your heart, but you have been afraid.

We all have questions of the unknown, but one thing for sure we are not going to succeed if we don’t step out. My first writers conference I attended, I had $40.00 cash in my pocket for food, transportation and anything else I needed. Guess what? I’m still here and I soon will publish my first book, with several others to follow.

Keep stepping, you have more to give. Let’s Pray:


Father, thank you that fear is not our portion. You haven’t given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. (2Timothy 1:7) Today, we know we have more to give and we are stepping out. Lead us and open doors that you have ordained and close all other doors according to your will.

Father, today we declare we are stepping out! Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. You have more to give and take a step today towards reaching your dream.

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