Season of Winter Storms in New Mexico


My Daddy’s parka came in handy on Tuesday! My Dad, Wally Moede wore this in the winter storms when he was Bus Supervisor back home in Windom, Minnesota! I carry it in my car in case I get stuck as I travel to preach. Yes, I know I’m like a little boy! I refuse to grow up! I still love the snow as long as I do not have to drive in it! LOL!

It was a challenge driving yesterday in Albuquerque. Sharon got to work, the main roads are good, side roads not so good. Be careful out there this morning it sure will be icy in spots! Here at 3:15am it is just 10 above on the west side. High today 30, for Friday up to 36, low of 12.

We live on the west side of Albuquerque and we don’t ever get that much snow, we used to live on the east side. For just the second time in 12 years I had to shovel snow on Tuesday!!!! LOL!

A friend from the Midwest sent me a message yesterday and said, “Hmm, I did not know it ever snowed there” YES it does, some areas got pounded!

We are praising God for the moisture!!!! Amen!

Here is the latest on the Season of Winter Storms in New Mexico ABQ Journal Report

Weather Channel Report

Two Fatal Crashes

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