An Exercise in Casting Cares, First Write Down The Things That Cause Your Anxiety



January 05, 2019

An Exercise in Casting Cares

Psalm 55:16-22

God’s shoulders are wide enough to carry your burdens. He’s sovereign over the universe, so He is certainly capable of working out problems and meeting needs. Today I want to give you an exercise that will help make casting your cares on Him a practical act.

First, take a piece of paper and write the things that cause your anxiety. Once you start, you may discover there’s a list of items that cheat you out of peace.

Next, pray each issue into God’s care. Recall Psalm 18:35, which promises that He lovingly upholds believers.

Finally, as you pray, visualize placing the situation into God’s omnipotent hands. For example, imagine handing over to the Lord the debts you owe, while saying, “Father, I give You my financial anxiety. I know You’ll show me how to get out of debt. You are more than sufficient to handle it, and I trust You to guide me.”

Some people may resist this suggestion because certain pseudo-spiritual movements have a method they call visualizing. But here the term refers to the beautiful word pictures throughout the Bible, which God intended to help us understand our relationship with Him. This type of visualizing creates a mental snapshot of God doing what He says He’ll do (Psalm 55:22; Matt. 6:25-26).

When you have transferred all of your worries to God’s hands, wad up the paper and then destroy it. In doing so, you symbolize the transaction that just took place: Your cares are no longer yours—every one of them belongs to the Lord. Then walk away in perfect peace.

Bible in One Year: Genesis 16-19

In Touch Daily Devotion – Alexa Skill

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