Jesus Must Come First


Dear Family of Jesus,

I wanted to share with you that I heard from Clara Nelson’s daughter Sharon yesterday. Clara came out of surgery in great shape! PTL! I do not have an update since early afternoon Friday. Sharon was telling me that before the surgery nurses sang Christian songs to Clara! How AWESOME is that!!!??!!!

Please continue to pray for 92 year young Clara! Also please keep for Mighty Wyatt, that he continues to gain weight!

I am to be at FBC in Reserve this Sunday Preaching. The weather may be bad, I am keeping an eye on the weather. Please pray for my wisdom. My message is on “JESUS must be First”

This is so very heavy on my heart…….

Jesus must come first! You may think you put Jesus before yourself but are you really doing it? Challenge yourself to put Jesus before yourself! I have been praying on this all day since Clara Nelson told that this morning! Let it sink in! How many decisions have you made today without Jesus?

He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17

Please let that soak so very deep into your heart, soul and mind.

My prayer for you and I, is that JESUS always comes first in everything we do and say!

We are seeing the results of JESUS not being first in America and the world.

The Church must stay on the message of JESUS!

Thomas a’ Kempis said, “When JESUS is near, all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent, all is hard.”

Merry Christmas!

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