Join Don Moen Singing “Jehovah Jireh”


WOW, is right! Little did we know several months ago that what started out to be a “mom and pop” ministry to send a Proclaimer or two into Nigeria, has now developed into our receiving more requests that arrive almost every week or so. Our fourth and fifth “eagles” have landed and are now in the hands of trusted evangelists who are taking God’s word into the rural villages in and around Akure and over to the border with Benin, in the southern part of the country. And just today, to our surprise, we were designated by Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH), as a ministry partner!

It all started when our “ministry partner” Peter Bamidele, who received the first Proclaimer we sent in, made a demonstration of the incredible audio device at a Global Missions Conference in Akure, Ondo State, in October. This helped spread the word to others about this incredible resource and tool that can share God’s word in up to four languages to oral learners, of which there are many in that part of the country.

Now we are in the process of putting together, in addition to two more individual shipments, an order for 10 units at one time to a missions group that takes the Bible to Muslim areas. In addition, and this is really exciting, we were asked to provide 200 units to a missions group which has evangelists spread throughout all of Nigeria from Abuja, the country’s capital. That order was too big for us for now so we sent it directly to FCBH who are following up and vetting the group as we speak!

So, WOW! Isn’t it amazing how God works? And He’s still batting a thousand in getting them into Nigeria, even if it just started out one by one in the beginning. Should we be surprised?

Thank you dear friends for your prayers. Maranatha!

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? – Romans 10:14

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