Speak To Your Dream…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Speak To Your Dream…

Good morning beautiful people. I was thinking this morning about a time I traveled to Los Angeles, California to the Dream Center for a two week mission trip. At one of the airports on the journey there, a man walked up to me and spoke some words that has stayed etched in my mind. At first, I told him I felt he had me mixed up with someone else. He replied that he did not and repeated the same words to me. After he spoke them the second and third time, I began to believe his words. He really was speaking to the desires of my heart and a future I had dreamed of. He was a Pastor from the other side of the country.

Today, let’s speak to the dream each of us is carrying. Let’s speak words to someone else’s dreams as well.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXp644HkHu8&w=560&h=315]

Father, thank you for the power of words. Ephesians 4:29 tells us to speak what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Father, may our words be uplifting, edifying, and may we awaken dreams that have died in others today.

Father, thank you for putting the right people in our lives to help us fulfill the dream. You tell us we have not because we don’t ask God. (James 4:2) Today, we ask you and receive the next step in completing the assignment towards fulfillment of our dreams. Remove every barrier, wrong and negative influences and bring the right people along side of us to bring the dream to fruition, we pray. Amen

Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. Speak to your dream and speak encouragement to the dream in someone else today.


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