My Dad, 17 year old Wally Moede served our Country in WW II became a Sgt U.S. Marines came home to Windom, Minnesota served on the Fire Dept becoming a assistant Chief, worked as a custodian and then became Bus Supervisor for the Windom Schools, Head Usher at the American Lutheran Church, most of all a man of God, Godly husband and Daddy! These pictures above and below is of Daddy in China, also of Dad and Mom, Ruth, who were married shortly after Dad returned from WW II. I also included his grave at Lakeview Cemetery in Windom, Minnesota.
Daddy went to Pearl Harbor, came in by ship just after the bombing, then to China by the Great Wall guarding a British Railroad yard and then was on a ship full of Marines ready to invade Japan until President Truman order the atomic bomb dropped over Japan ending the war. President Truman saved thousand and thousands, perhaps millions of lives on both sides. Love my Daddy and miss him so very much! My Hero!
My Dad taught me many things… of the most important was, if your are going to do a job, do it right the first time.
God Bless all Veterans!