What is Truth?


We are so very blessed today to introduce the writings of Lydia Haley Crandall to you! I got to know Lydia through her Dad, Frank Haley, who is a best friend, Frank was my News Director at KKIM Christian Radio in Albuquerque! Frank is also a member of the New Mexico Broadcasters Hall of Fame. I also have been blessed to get to know Lydia’s husband Tracy, who can really preach it! I was blessed to minister with Tracy at a funeral service a few months ago!

Lydia gets her talent for writing from her Daddy, I believe, or maybe her Mother Alice, who is such a Godly woman. I pray this is the first of many posts by Lydia here at FGGAM! God Bless you Lydia!

What is truth? Is truth absolute? Or, can it be relative, depending on your beliefs or my own? Can truth change? Can we decide our OWN truth? We all make judgments every single day. But are we walking in truth?

It’s a fact that the earth is round. I hope we can all agree on that J Well, there’s an absurd theory floating around that the earth is flat. I can say to myself over & over, all day long that the earth is flat. I may say it enough times that I begin to believe it. I may even convince others that it’s true. But the truth of the matter (pun intended…) is that it simply is NOT true; no matter what we think. We have to be careful that we don’t believe everything we think. Ever heard the term “follow your heart?” Well, that’s a very dangerous practice! Our minds and hearts can surely lead us astray, if we aren’t careful. The Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 that “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?”

Okay, so how do we know what to believe, since we obviously can’t believe everything we hear, think and feel? The bible is clear in answering this question in John 14:6. Jesus said “I am the way, THE TRUTH and the life; no one comes to the Father, except through me.” We must always be mindful that we have an enemy of our souls; one who seeks to kill us, steal from us and ultimately, destroy us. That is his goal and objective and he works very hard at it every day. We, as Christians, must work even harder to combat the enemy’s lies. We must walk in the truth and light of God’s Holy Word.  The Bible needs to be our compass; our measuring stick for life. We must take every thought captive. In 2 Corinthians 10:5 the Bible says “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”

Sure, my analogy about the earth being flat is silly. But may it come to mind when the soul-saving truth we know is challenged by the lies of the enemy.

Be blessed and be a blessing!

Lydia Haley Crandall

Tracy N Lydia Crandall

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