I Heard The Most Beautiful Testimony Today and Would Like to Share it


Thanks to our Dear, Dear Friend Darlene Quiring of Mt. Lake, Minnesota for sharing with us!!!

I heard the most beautiful testimony today and would like to share it. A young women named Erika, in my BSF class this morning shared her story with us that happened last week. She was on an airplane headed to Dallas for a convention and as the plane door was about to shut she thought to herself how lucky she was to have a seat all by herself with no one beside her . All of a sudden a young man appeared to run on the plane, as he passed her slowly she said she notice he had tattoos completely all over his body from head to toe. These were not just any tattoos they were devil horns across his forehead,the devil head along the side of his neck with the tail crossing over to the other side of his neck. She looked down on his hands and along each knuckle on both hands were the words written; HATE. Needless to say she was thinking “Oh Lord please No. That exact moment he was excusing himself trying to get across her to sit in his seat right beside her. She said she sat there not sure about what to do but instantly prayed to God for her judgmental state of mind at that moment. . She finally took a deep breath and said in her mind, well we might as well become friends if we are going to be on this flight together. In a less awkward moment as he lifted the window shade she asked him “Is All ok?” He responded I think so. She then proceeded to make small talk with him. He asked her if she was from Dallas, as she explained to him she was only headed there for a meeting. She then asked him and he told her how he was headed to Alaska. She asked him what had brought him to good ole southeast Texas and he responded prison. He had just got out and had been here for 20 years. He was only 37 years old. We have 2 Prisons in our surrounding area. She immediately told him she wanted to commend him for his honesty as he did not have to tell her any of that. She then asked him questions as he was very willing to tell her about his life in prison and the “Pecking ” order. He explained that at age 9 his mom let him smoke weed! Erika replied oh my you were in 3rd grade? He said yes, my mom would smoke crack cocaine and let him smoke weed. He then started doing harder drugs by the time he was 13. He had to take care of his brothers and sisters and his mom so he began to transport drugs from Alaska to California and would make hundreds of thousands of dollars .This became away of life. Then he was busted by the Feds and went to prison 20 years ago. Erika asked him if he had a plan ? He responded God Willing… She said her ears perked up and she immediately responded So You Believe in God?He said well I guess you can say that, doesn’t most of us in prison seem to find God? He continued with but I don’t just want this to be an excuse for me.She began to talk to him about the Prodigal Son and tell him how Loved he is by God.And that God has his back after all He placed him there right by her. She just happens to be a LPC licensed counselor!! She explained to him how he is going to be able to reach people that she could never reach,as he looked at her funny she said you know because we look nothing alike in a joking manner. He busted out laughing. He began to tell her how scared he really was and that he could not miss his plane to Alaska . The prison had only given him a one way ticket and $15 to his name. She said he wouldn’t have to worry because when they landed she was taking him all the way to find his terminal . She gave him some money and then asked if she could pray for him when they landed. oh by the way his name was Shawn. He said yes, he also told her he had never prayed before. He felt that he did not deserve to pray to God just because he got into trouble. He didn’t think that was right or that he had that right or privilege. Erika said the holy spirit took over. And when they landed she got him to his gate and as they stood there she held out her hands and he placed his on top of hers…All she could see was the words HATE on his knuckles but all the time she was praying she kept hearing from God; LOVE Conquers HATE, LOVE Conquers HATE. With tears streaming from his face and trembling he gave Erika a big hug. Erika said her heart was so full. He had blessed her in a way she never thought possible. She had a Divine meeting. It is such a touching Testimony , I have just had it on my heart all day,and want to ask each God winker who reads this please adopt Shawn from Alaska into your heart and continually pray for this young man. If sometimes we would just remember not to judge and to say to ourselves ‘I wonder if I could wear their shoes, what their life has looked like. I think our hearts would be filled with so much compassion and Love for the hurting and wounded. Godwinks & Hugs

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