I’m not sure – to be honest.
Some of us don’t allow the recent Supreme Court nomination drama to affect us. Others of us are glued to every news outlet and radio program and newspaper/website article – to see varying reports…but no one is sure of anything.
Ford vs. Kavanaugh.
Republicans vs. Democrats
MeToo vs HimToo
I Believe Her vs I Believe Him
I Believe them Both.
So – who will win?
I believe the answer will be: NO ONE.
No one is going to win from the happenings these past 10+ days.
Everyone is ‘mad as hell!’ for their side – or just in general.
Tears are flowing from Hurt and Anger and lack of Understanding one another.
Respect has been gained – Respect has been lost.
Trust has been gained – Trust has been lost.
Emotions are high – Common sense is Low.
Lives will Never be the same again.
Hurts will linger for a long time.
Reputations have been damaged or destroyed.
Relationships will hopefully be restored among disagreeing friends…but how long will we hold on to anger?
It is in moments like these that I consciously have to remind myself that this World holds Nothing for me – Eternally.
And it’s not because of whom I put my Trust in on this Earth.
It is because of WHOM I put my Trust in OUTSIDE of this Earth.
GOD – the Almighty, the Father, Alpha & Omega – is the only one who knows the Full Truth.
Am I able to Rest in that Fact?
Sometimes – I fall into the thinking that Change in this world is all on my shoulders, on Our shoulders. But it’s in those moments that I unconsciously place myself AS GOD. ‘If I don’t do it, it won’t get done!’
And it is in those moments – that I am Wrong.
And so I Pray.
I pray – for all involved in our Gov’t decisions; for all men and women hurting from abuse and violence; for children who don’t understand the circumstances surrounding their parents, or lack of parents.
I pray – for Counselors and Therapists left to help ‘work through’ the carnage left behind from hurtful words and actions and selfish moments.
I pray that God will direct Me in Wisdom, to make Good choices For the Benefit of All Those Around Me.
I pray – that Each person on this Earth will one day experience the Freedom that I have experienced in having Jesus Christ as my Best Friend, my Lord and Savior.
I say this because He reminds me in His Word that the things that happen here on Earth are only but a breath – compared to the Majesty and Glory and Praises that all Believers have awaiting for us in Beautiful Heaven, someday.
Friends – Let us pray for Wisdom – to make Helpful Decisions;
Let us use our Common Sense.
Let us Stand Up for the Oppressed;
Let us Not Convict until Proven Guilty.
Let us Give Grace to Everyone.
Let us Recognize that many of us are Hurting – in one way or another.
There’s only One Way to Win.
Have you Won, yet?
FGGAM just received this from the National Day of Prayer:
Where is the truthfulness in America today? The version of the truth you are presented with depends on the website you read or television network you watch. This same reality is observed on almost every political issue.For those of us who are Christ followers, we must be very careful not to get pulled in by any of these forces. I am one hundred percent for being aware of what is happening in our world, but we need to be careful and discerning.WHAT TRUTHFULNESS IS NOT
1. Truthfulness is not in the eyes of the spectator.
2. Truthfulness is not determined by your preferred news media.
3. Truthfulness is not discovered through the rumor mill.
4. Truthfulness is not defined or re-defined by any politician or political party.
5. Truthfulness is not one thing to one person and another thing to another person.
6. Truthfulness is not fluid.
7. Truthfulness is not human-centered.
1. Truthfulness is found only in the Bible and what it says.
2. Truthfulness is in Jesus Christ and Him alone.
We do not determine what truth is through the lens of a political party, a news outlet, or any segment of the culture.
We do determine what is happening in the culture through the lens of the Bible and what it says.
We should always be Bible-based, Jesus-centered, and Holy Spirit-empowered people.
Anything less than this will blur our eyes to seeing the real truth about anything and it will skew our perspective.
Any time we diminish the Bible and what it says, we sit down on the slippery slide that will take us to where America is living today.
God has a better way.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.
Visit our website at https://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd |
National Day of Prayer Task Force
PO Box 64225, Colorado Springs, CO 80962, United States |