What is Retirement Like?


I get asked when I am going to retire….I actually get sad when I am asked that I am just 62. Retirement is not in my plans…I do not find it in the Bible. I will preach until the Lord says no more.

Billy Graham Tribune Content Agency

What is retirement like?

Sep 20, 2018

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I am looking forward to retiring and enjoying life but my elderly parents tell me it isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. They don’t do a good job at explaining why, can you? — E.R.

A: Life is full of changes, but one of the greatest comes with retirement. Many look forward to it; others dread it. Sooner or later almost everyone who lives long enough will experience it. A rather new phenomenon is to hear couples in their 30s planning, with anticipation, their retirement years.

Reactions are varied because people are different; however, for most people the end of their careers is truly a watershed event — a major milestone — marking the beginning of growing older. Retirement is only one of the changes most will encounter as retirement approaches — but it is a huge one. Even if spouses haven’t worked outside the home, the transition may be just as jarring for them.

We may picture the years following retirement as a time of rest and relaxation, and to some extent it is true. But growing older is also filled with changes and transitions that we may not easily welcome: adjusting to a different daily routine … declining health … the loss of a spouse … the need to downsize living space … increasing dependence on others. These and other events during retirement years bring their own difficulties.

Work as long as you can and be productive. When retirement comes, be aggressive in looking for ways to stay active. Be a source of encouragement to younger people and be an example in living life, even in retirement, to the glory of God. “When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy” (Psalm 128:2).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)


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