God Remembered Rachel – Part 2!


Then God remembered Rachel; He listened to her and opened her womb. (Genesis 30:22 NIV)

In a previous post, I shared the story of 3 miraculous pregnancies that I have had the privilege of praying for. Since then, I have prayed for and witnessed 7 additional miraculous pregnancies. God is so awesome! Today, I would like to share Jeanette’s story…

We hadn’t lived in Ohio very long when God led us to attend a Vineyard church on a Wednesday evening. The only available classes for adults were a men’s class and a women’s class. My husband and I separated ways and I slipped into the women’s class. There were about 8 of us there that night. At one point, the lady sitting across from me was sharing about how she had been trying to get pregnant for several years. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Ask her if you can pray for her.” Since I was a stranger to this group, I hesitated. I heard the Holy Spirit repeat, “Ask her if you can pray for her.” Knowing that my window to do so would be closing rather quickly, I stepped out in faith. “Would it be okay if I prayed for you?” I asked. The lady’s name was Jeanette and she readily agreed.

Several of the women and I laid hands on her and I proceeded to lead out in a simple prayer of faith for Jeanette and her husband.

As we drove home that evening, I said to my husband, “Perhaps we were sent to this church this evening just so I could pray for Jeanette.” We never did end up going back there.

About 2 weeks ago I found myself thinking about and praying for Jeanette once again. “Lord, help our paths to cross so that I can hear how you answered her heart’s cry,” I prayed.

This past weekend, I was driving down the road when I felt impressed to stop at Big Lots. I thought perhaps it was to find some items to put into a gift basket that I was putting together. Little did I know what God had in store!

As I entered the store, I stopped to look at some items across from the register. Suddenly, I heard a women’s voice asking, “Is your name Jean?” I turned to see a young women standing there. She looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t place her. “Yes, it is,” I replied, “Where do I know you from?”

She could hardly contain her excitement. “You prayed for me! I am pregnant!” She exclaimed. “I have been praying that I would see you again. I told the women in the class that perhaps you were an angel sent just to pray for me that evening. I can’”

I was jumping up and down inside. This was Jeanette, the young woman I had prayed with at the Vineyard church. How amazing that God had led me to this place, at this time, on this day and that she was going to have a baby!

As I walked through the store after our conversation, I was overjoyed at the goodness of God. I wanted to cry, laugh, and shout all at the same time. Jeanette was pregnant, God had answered the cry of her heart.

Later that day, as I was thinking about the women that I had prayed with in each of the different states we had lived in, I heard the Lord say, “If I had sent someone to pray over you and it had resulted in the birth of your child, would it be worth it?”

“Of course Lord,” I answered.

“If I sent someone to touch your life, would it be worth it then?”

“Sure Lord,” I repeated.

“Interesting,” He said.


Then, it hit me. I so often struggle with having had to move far away from my girls for my “job” and yet God had used me in each of these places to pray and believe alongside 6 women (the 7th was back in my home state) for the birth of their children. God had used Ed and me in each of these places to bring encouragement to others. How amazing is that?!

Perhaps you are in a place that has you wondering why you are there, or perhaps you are struggling with obeying that still small voice of the Holy Spirit. God’s got this. He desires to use you as His hands and His feet…All you have to do is be willing, listen to hear, and be obedient.

“Heavenly Father, thank you for these awesome opportunities to be used of you. You are so amazing and I give you all the glory and praise. I pray that you will help each person that reads this to listen for your voice and be quick to obey. Encourage those that need encouragement and bring refreshment to those who have grown weary. We love you Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen.”

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