Nita Killebrew: I’ve Never Experienced so Much Love Energy in One Town


A prayer of almost 3 years to have Nita Killebrew join us in Windom came about this year!!! PTL!!! I had talked with Nita about coming to Windom for almost 3 years. God is so very awesome. Life is one big prayer. Thank you for having a willing spirit Nita!!! You touched the hearts of so many in Windom, including the state tournament bound Windom Pirates, who you spoke to last Saturday! PTL!!! We cannot thank you enough for coming! We love you!

Here is what Nita wanted to share with all of us:

The “House of Hope” Revival held in Windom, MN Aug 10th & 11th,  was a beautiful continuous motion of God’s love, healing, energy & blessings.  I’ve never experienced so much love energy in one town, in my life.  We’re talking much more than a love-reunion between the organizers.  This was everyone on the streets, in stores, the hotel—literally everywhere! What a spiritual feast for the soul!

Pastor Dewey originally asked me to tell my testimony and story for last year’s event but it didn’t work out.  This year I was able to make it and what a joy & blessing it was to be there. I’m grateful for this humbling opportunity to speak but, even more so, for the chance now to put what I’ve learned from these amazing people into practice in everyday life. Living intentionally for Gods purposes and not my own.

Pastor Dewey Moede from Albaquerque led the “feeding of the flocks” with his talk on Friday night.  The Lord was certainly with him and all the presenters throughout the weekend.  The music was fantastic.  Such love for God these FGGAM participants have!  They are faithful “Personal Representatives of Christ!”

Just being in the same room with these personal representatives of Christ was so amazing.  I was watching Gods work in action!  Healings were given.  One of these loving people stopped when she was walking by and checked the progress on my knee.  I had knee replacement 8 weeks before and it was unusually swollen, red and angry. The pain was very excruciating.  Both my legs were swelling beyond the “normal” scope of things.  Tracy laid hands on my knee and began praying fervently for healing.  I was quick to notice because the pain instantly began to feel a little better.  My heart was fluttering because I know prayers & faith in God can heal. I’ve witnessed that many times.  But this was amazing because the healing was beginning so quickly during the prayer.   Throughout the night, my leg was getting better and better.  By the time I left it was almost back to normal.  All Glory to you God!

On the next day after my arrival home, I went to my surgeons office for him to check it.  I described the progress of my knee when I arrived & after I arrived in Windom until the present.  The Dr, after X-rays said the knee looked brand new.  Dr said he was pretty confident it was a blood clot that dissolved on its own.  Just to be sure I was sent for an ultrasound.  The tech said there was no sign of any blood clots.  She didn’t think that one that big would dissolve on its own but she had no explanations. Dr still thought it was classic symptoms of a blood clot.   I told the Dr that I had a laying of hands & prayer for my knee.  I told him how I felt it healing while the girls hands were on me.  Dr said, “I would never doubt the ability of God to be able to do that,  I’ve seen miracles before.” Thank you Jesus.  Praise you God.  All Glory To You Alone!

Nita Killebrew, Humble Servant of God.

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