House of Hope: I Was Once a Shy Little Boy!


The Following letter is from my dear friend in Christ, Sonja Sweigard Haldeman, we are members of the class of 1974 in Windom, Minnesota. Sonja was a cheerleader in High School and I was a custodian starting in my sophomore year. Whenever Sonja saw me should we smile and wave and say, “Hi Dewey!” I would wave back……but I was not as outgoing like Sonja always has been. When Sonja sent this letter it made me even realize more and more what a great work God has done in my life. When I was 4 1/2 I wore a full leg brace due to a rare hip disease. The doctor said I may never walk and run like the other kids. Through the years God made me a radio announcer, a sports play-by-play announcer, a radio sales rep, a manager of stations, then 9 years I became the Associate Pastor at the Church of God in Los Lunas, NM. I am now a Circuit Preacher, serving mostly at the First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM. 6 years ago this month God pulled me out of full-time radio and put me in full-time ministry here at FGGAM. This year also marks 40 years in radio, God still has me doing radio programs and I act as a consultant for Christian radio stations. In 1974 my Grandma Lena Caraway spoke over me that I would be a Pastor someday! I thought to my self……I want to be a radio announcer! It took me a long time to become a Pastor! God gave me radio experience to develop people and communication skills and meet a number of people that have helped me along the way, including my wife Sharon.
God took me from a shy little boy who was told by the big city doctor in Mankato, Minnesota that I may not walk or run like the rest of the kids…..I played softball until this year at age 62, time off because of injured knee, God gave me my dream to play ball. At 62 I am a better athlete than I was when I was 18. God took a shy boy and made him a radio announcer, God made me a preacher, God took me out of an $80,000 radio job to zero when He established FGGAM. In God’s economy there is no zero, God has already paid for it.
Sharon has been with me all the way. A husband and wife must be together in ministry, in everything they do because you take plenty of hits.
As Pastor Rick Frederickson said at the House of Hope, “A disciple is one who witnesses for Christ as a way of life.”
That is what I try to do in the love of Jesus!
Pastor Rick also said, “A disciple is one who trusts God and lives a life of faith.”
I want everybody to have a Godly childhood like I did, such Godly parents, grandparents and awesome role models. I want to pass that down!
The picture of me and Sonja was taken in Windom last week…I had not seen her in 44 years.
Here is Sonja’s letter:

Dewey and I grew up together in Windom and graduated in 1974. I think we have known each other since Kindergarten. We were on opposite ends of the spectrum; he was so shy and I wasn’t at all. I would wave and say “Hi Dewey, how are you doing?” He responded by waving… but no words. I don’t remember talking to him and getting to know him; what I knew was only what I observed. We reconnected on Face Book and I read that he was a radio pastor. I was in disbelief; from my perspective, that meant that he would actually be talking to people and it took me a little time to wrap my head around that. In the past 6 years, we have gotten to know each other through FB, emails, texts and phone calls….and yes he finally has talked to me. He is a very genuine and authentic person and I am honored to call him my friend. We got to see each other for the first time in 44 years last week in Windom. It was a great reunion and fun to see him in action at the House of Hope. There is a verse in Psalm 121:1-2 that reminds me of Dewey; it says, “I lift up my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth.” Dewey has a big heart and he knows where his help comes from. God has called him and used him to show others His love. Dewey teaches others that we can trust God even when we don’t understand Him and the things happening in our lives. God is faithful and full of grace; hope is possible when we lift our eyes and our hearts to what is true.

Keep up the good work my friend.

Happy Trails,
Sonja Sweigard Haldeman in Suprise, Arizona

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