Women of Influence

Women of Influence
by Joni Eareckson Tada
Dear Dewey,
“Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.”
Matthew 5:15
More than 200 years ago, two average, rather frail women became concerned by the spiritual state of their small church in a little Minnesota town. They decided to meet together regularly, and pray for God to work. A short time later, their pastor noticed that his heart seemed more open to the word of God — and that his preaching had fresh power. Several families in the congregation fell under conviction, and confessed their sin. Other families began witnessing to their neighbors. Before long, people were traveling from far away to become involved in the many Bible studies springing up in the church community. Soon, wholesale spiritual revival broke out, and God’s Spirit moved powerfully across the state of Minnesota, changing the landscape for decades to come.
These two women never wrote a book or traveled to other cities to tell their story. They didn’t even want their names known! But they were powerful women of influence, substantial saints who let God exercise spiritual clout through them. And you are no different. God is not looking for famous individuals who can speak eloquently before thousands. God is looking for someone like you. Daniel 11:32 (NASB) says: “The people who know their God will display strength and take action.”
The passage doesn’t say you have to join the talk show circuit or do noteworthy things. If you know God, display His strength and take action! It may be as simple as taking a meal to family with a sick mom, leading a Bible study, or just meeting with a few friends to pray. First make sure you know Him, know His heart. And then just do what He says!
Father God, I do know You and love You. Empower me by Your Holy Spirit and show me how to take action — wherever and however You lead — to advance Your kingdom.
Joni and Friends
Taken from Pearls of Great Price
Copyright © 2006
By Joni Eareckson Tada
Published in Print by Zondervan, Grand Rapids
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible: New International Version.
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