House of Hope Radio: My Prayer is That Every Child Would Have the Upbringing That I Had


God has given me 40 years in radio, the last part of my life in Christian radio! Still doing radio programming and also consultancy work for Christian radio. I pray I finish strong! It all started in Windom, Minnesota, where my Christian foundation was built. That is one of the main reasons God has sent me there, this will be the third year. I have been moved by God to pay back the Windom area for all that the community did for me while I lived there. Windom is so very precious to me.

From my days in Sunday School at the American Lutheran Church to my days working at the school as a custodian! I learned so much from so many! I had the best parents, the best family ever! The best role models… many from Windom.

My prayer, my mission is that every child in the world would have the upbringing that I had.

Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:31

God has taken me from being a custodian at the old school, now the BARC, to now preaching there. Only God could do that. God has taken me from being a radio guy to a preacher guy. It is amazing how God works if we have a willing spirit.

Sharon and I pray we will see you at the House of Hope on August 10th and 11th.

I am pictured here,a few years back, with my friend Jade. She would come to FBC in Reserve by herself or with her brother. Jade now is living a very good life with her Grandparents! PTL!

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