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As Church Attendance in America Declines, Churches Close in Minnesota

“Prayer meetings were the arteries of the early church. Through them, life-sustaining power was derived. The condition of the church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings. So is the prayer meeting a grace-o-meter, and from it, we may judge of the amount of divine working among a people. If God is near a church, it must pray. And if He is not there, one of dying first tokens of His absence will be a slothfulness in prayer!” Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

This is a very sad thing for me to see on a couple of fronts. I am from Minnesota and as a Circuit Preacher I travel rural New Mexico. So this really hits home with me as I love to serve small Churches. The Church has always been the backbone of our Country, especially in rural America, the Church has always been there in a time of need. It is not only in rural America where Churches are struggling, Church attendance in our Country is in a sad state of affairs, I have been speaking on this for years, going back to my KKIM radio days. I grew up in the American Lutheran Church in Windom, Minesota where my Christian foundation was built! I remember going to Sunday School at age 5! I grew up in the Church! It is so very special to me! It is still like a home to me. I have no magical story about how I came to know Jesus, I just grew into Him from being born into a Christian family and my Church! I know how important Sunday School and Church is. I am presently serving at the First Baptist Church in Reserve, NM. I love these folks, I have learned so very much serving at FBC in Reserve. They pour out so much love on me and Sharon. Reserve is like home to me.

Church Attendance in America

As churches close in Minnesota, a way of life comes to an end

Minnesota’s mainline Christian denominations face unprecedented declines, altering communities and traditions celebrated for generations.
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