Supernatural, To Those That Will Believe…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Supernatural, To Those That Will Believe…


Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Last evening I had the opportunity to pray with a new friend that had pain in her knee. This morning I’m asking my Heavenly Father to allow me the opportunity to see her again today. I knew it was a supernatural God encounter when I prayed for her. You know when you know, when you know something? It is a set up by God Himself and that it is a done deal.

We both laughed as she shared a few other issues that needed God’s intervention. I have been thanking God for the same answers in my own life. It brings me such joy to see Jesus working all around the world, every day. Was this a coincidence I would meet her yesterday? A lady that was growing weary believing for the same things I had prayed for in my own life. I just know that within 7 days her answer will have arrived. It will be beyond what she could ever think or imagine. Why? because God is supernatural. He wants to bless her, He loves her. He is no respecter of persons, to all who will believe.

What do need this morning? Talk with Jesus, believe His Word and watch the supernatural take place right before your very eyes. Amen? Amen…

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Believe, your Creator is supernatural.


Thank you for Jesus. More than anything this world could give us, we desire to journey every day with Jesus. He holds the answers to our life journey. Order our footsteps God according to Your plan.

Father, thank for the supernatural. We don’t live by what we see or what we feel, we live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)

Thank you for supernatural intervention in the lives of Your people today. Thank you for divine appointments, God encounters and may today be full of joy as we believe You are watching over Your Word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12) Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Believe in the supernatural, walk in the supernatural and receive the supernatural.

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