Is It Well With Your Soul?
Good morning beautiful people. As I listened to this song this morning, I couldn’t help but laugh at the memories of previous years. When my children were young, we visited amusement parks, Santa’s Village, Story Land, Six Flag’s and various fairs. I never liked rides that went high in the air, but my children did. I would accompany them on the ride and they would laugh as I would sing All is well with my soul, as I tried to hide my fear. Somehow they knew this wasn’t my favorite thing to do.
Today, I don’t know what challenges you face, but I know who can and will journey it with you. Let’s Pray:
Father, thank you that you alone are the anchor for our soul. (Hebrews 6:19) We don’t have to fear, as your love for us is perfect and perfect love casts out all fear. (1John 4:18) No matter what our days are filled with, you are the answer. There is no mountain in our lives too high that you can’t bring down low.
Truly our soul finds rest in God; our salvation comes from you. Truly you are our rock and our salvation; you are our fortress, we will never be shaken. (Psalm 62:1-2) Thank you, oh God, that you make the crooked paths straight in all our lives. Amen
Have a blessed day God’s beautiful people. I pray all is well with your soul.