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Good Morning Beautiful People…Thank God For Revival/Awakening

Good Morning Beautiful People…Thank God For Revival/Awakening


Good morning beautiful people. I had an opportunity to get away for a few days, rest and do some interviews for my radio program Destiny Moments. Destiny Moments it was. You are not going to want to miss these radio broadcasts. From watching creative miracles as they happen right before their eyes, to words of knowledge, to dreams and visions, this team and ministry is Awakening the world. Sometimes God speaks through dreams, sometimes through words of knowledge and sometimes through impressions. Do you ever just know something because you know something, because you know something? You wonder where it comes from? Could it be God? You will need to tune in and find out.

The presence of God at this Worship Barn in Rusagonis, New Brunswick, Canada was the setting for an outpouring. Awakening, Awakening, yes it is happening, Global Awakening.

There are portals open and continuing to open all across this globe as God shows up and manifests Himself in these meetings. Healing, deliverance, miracles, impartation and so much more. He is bringing the increase. Yes, it is true. God is visiting our world in another great awakening. Let’s pray:

Father, thank you for this Awakening. Thank you that it is not by might nor by power but by your spirit. Zechariah 4:6.

Oh God, we are thirsty, thirsty for more of You. We hunger and thirst for more of you. Our communities, our friends, our neighbors, our enemies need you. Holy spirit draw us all closer to Yourself, we pray.

Thank you today for opportunities to share the Good News, the best news this world has ever known. Thank you for this revival/awakening. Forgive us and our religious systems for boxing you in. Spirit continue to break out we pray. We ask for increase, increase, increase. We receive it. We are hungry for more of you on the earth today. Increase of your presence, increase of the miraculous. Let the mysteries of heaven rain down on us, we pray.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Thank Him for this awakening, this outpouring. Thank Him for this great awakening.

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