Child Safety


We see the warning everywhere: Keep out of reach of children. Child safety is one of the most important things on our minds today. From toys to seat belts and anything containing a plastic bag we are warned to beware of dangers that might cause our children to be harmed….yet we send them to school every day. How are we to keep our children safe from each other? Some say take away the guns or make them harder to get, but are guns really the problem?
Besides the many school shootings in the news every day, we hear of more and more people committing suicide….taking their own life because living has become so unbearable for them. Many of these victims are just children who have not even had time to grow up and find out what life is all about. Many are celebrities who appear to have everything one could ever wish for. What is missing from their lives? What is making people so miserable that death seems like the only escape route they have?
Drugs today are so easily gotten. Pain pills that have been prescribed by doctors for years are now at the top of the list of problems we must fight. Many states are voting to legalize marijuana while others are protesting it’s use as well as other drugs. What are we to do to keep our children safe in this world today? What is it that people need, kids need, that would take away the pain and make life worth living again?
It has been said by many that America’s problem is not so much guns or drugs….it’s a heart problem. I totally agree with this, and it raises the question: How exactly do we reach the hearts of these young people and others who feel the need to end their lives as well as the lives of others? The answer we all know is: GOD. God is the only one who can actually see or get into the heart of any one and change the way one feels. There are way too many hurting people walking around today that need relief that only God can give.
Mental health….or the lack of it….is an issue we all need to work on. Seeing that help is available and affordable for all is of major importance. One way to make sure this and other issues get addressed is to join your school board or at least attend the meetings and make our voices heard….and that follow up action is taken.
We have to reach the children while they are young. Many churches around the nation are getting ready for, or already have begun, programs called Vacation Bible School. Most of these are taught by volunteers within the church along with their pastors. Weeks of preparation go into these programs and though they only last a week or so, the impact on our kids can be amazing. If you know of a child or family that might be helped by attending VBS, please encourage them to do so. Many adults have been led to Christ because of the influence of children and their ability to believe.
If you have older kids, encourage them to invite friends to attend Sunday School with them. Go visiting with them. A visit might be all it takes to get a whole family into church and on the path to salvation. Kids know better than we do who among them might be having problems or need a word of encouragement. Ask them. Pray for our kids and ask God’s help in reaching out to them. A friend is often what most people need. Someone to talk to when things get bad at home or just someone to hang out with at school.
From talking to kids, especially to those with problems or starting a new school, I found that the worst part of the school day for them is lunchtime. Who wants to eat alone or feel left out while others are interacting? Being left to sit alone at lunch says to a child: you are not popular, nobody likes you. This problem needs to be addressed and dealt with in every school so sitting alone is not even an option.
Bullying is a major issue every school needs to confront and work to put an end to. There has to be a no tolerance rule for bullies and a set punishment for THEM, not the victims. Many kids feel they are being punished daily by being forced to attend school where they are picked on and made fun of and nothing is done about it. Teachers know who the problem kids are by the first day I’m sure. They must be dealt with and not ignored.
Summer is here and most schools are on vacation till the fall. That gives us adults a couple of months to come up with some ideas and solutions before the next school year starts. We may not solve all the problems, but with God’s help we can do something. To keep our kids safe, we must first ask for God’s intervention then contemplate everything from safe rooms with bulletproof walls to metal detectors at every door. Child safety is everyone’s concern…. If only it were as easy as keeping them away from plastic bags!

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My name is Betty Fritz. I was born and raised in Texas but have resided in Elkhart, Indiana for the last 25 years. My husband is a Hoosier so that’s how we wound up here. We have two daughters and a son plus 6 grand kids…..3 boys and 3 girls. I retired last year after working for 24 years at Elkhart Child Development Center. I’ve been writing since a teenager and have taken several writing courses. I enjoy writing short stories. I wrote a book of poems, RHYMES OF THE TIMES, which was published a few years ago. I have written countless songs, a few for which demo recordings have been made. Recently I’ve been writing blogs..most of them about my faith and things the Lord has taught me in my Christian life over the last 51 years. My inspiration comes from my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and my desire to see that my grandchildren grow up in a Christian nation. My goal is to bring glory to Him and help others to see that there is POWER in the name of JESUS!

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