What About The Children? Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


What About The Children?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg6W76q6a2E&w=560&h=315]

Good morning beautiful people. This morning my three grandsons Mason, Evan and action Jaxson are here. They sure keep me running fast. I ponder the greatness that God has placed within each of them. The deposit the Creator of the Universe puts inside each of His precious children, to impact our world. Then we can help shape them in their giftings.

I find myself telling people, don’t let the world tell your child what they are, or label them either. You tell the world what God and His Word says about your child. That is their destiny, God’s plan. I have had people give me opinions, but I stick to the Word. He has the final say on everything, if we give Him his rightful place. I always thanked them for their advice (mostly) but then discussed it in prayer with Jesus. Nothing more powerful than His Word. Amen? Amen.

Father, thank you for children. May love and joy be their portion. Oh God, protect them we pray. Expose the schemes that the enemy of their soul plans to use to bring destruction in their sweet little lives.

May their mouths be full of laughter. Give their parents wisdom and discernment as you have blessed them and entrusted them with these precious lives. Oh God, may they experience the love of their Heavenly Father at a young age. Let them instill the greatness they have inside these children, we pray. May they walk in the greatness you have designed for their lives before the foundations of the earth. (Psalm 139) Amen

Mason will be finishing grade 3 this year. Evan will finish Kindergarten and action Jaxson is 3. Every day a new discovery as their day unfolds.

Enjoy your day beautiful people, bless a child today.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19:14



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