Urgent Prayer For Clara Nelson! Updated!


Tuesday Afternoon: Clara came through surgery this afternoon in great shape! PTL!!! Please continue to pray for healing! God Bless you all for praying!


I just got a call from Sharon Schmidt, Clara Nelson’s daughter.! Clara fell this morning at 2:30am and broke her hip! Clara was taken by ambulance to McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

As many of you know Clara is a prayer warrior, a saint, she has been one of my main encourages in traveling to Windom, Minnesota to hold the Revivals! Clara has been praying for Windom Revival 2018, she plays a key role in the planning.

Clara has helped bring so many to Jesus Christ in her almost 92 years! Her birthday is in November!

My heart breaks at this news. The Doctors may do surgery this morning, please keep Clara in your prayers for complete healing, for renewed strength, we know Lord that Clara puts all of her trust in YOU, and so do we in her healing, in JESUS name, Amen!

I also pray that we all seek to grow in Christ and we all can have such a strong relationship with Jesus like Clara, in the name of JESUS, I pray, Amen!

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