I am posting this early because I am traveling to Reserve, NM today. I am blessed to be doing the Sunrise Service in the morning. I also will be preaching at 11am on Sunday! PTL! I love to preach JESUS! AMEN!
If you do not have a home Church, please join us.
Welcome to the Windom Revival Radio Program! Happy Resurrection Sunday! I am thrilled to be here today! It is a day we celebrate! The bad events are over….the great event has occurred! Jesus has conquered death, hell and the grave. Satan could not beat Him! Hell could not hold Him! He’s alive and well!!!!! He awaits the day when He returns for His Church…His people! Every man and woman who makes the decision in their lifetime to accept Him as Lord of their life will be taken to meet Him in glory! Please now listen to my podcast.
Have a very Blessed Easter/Resurrection Sunday!
Please share this podcast with your family and friends, it will bless us! Thank you!