Former NM Secretary of State Dianna Duran Shared Her Testimony at New Beginnings Church

Our Dear Friend and Mentor Pastor Richard Mansfield shares with us this awesome news from yesterday’s service at New Beginnings in Albuquerque………..
Richard A Mansfield 

Former New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran shared her testimony today at New Beginnings Church. She shared how her gambling addiction lead her to spiral out of control and ultimately embezzle funds that had been given towards her campaign fund. She has since repented, written apology letters to the 510 individuals that had donated to her campaign and is making restitution with those individuals. She did some time in jail, is completing the 2000 hours of community service, wearing a GPS Ankle Bracelet, receiving counseling and reporting to her Probation Officer. She has received God’s grace and forgiveness and I pray that she can now receive ours! There were several Salvations as well as people that re-dedicated their lives to Christ !

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