Don’t Go By Your Feelings…Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Don’t Go By Your Feelings…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Isn’t it great to have promises from God Himself that we can hold Him to? I love that no matter what I feel, no matter what it looks like, I can hold on to the promises of God. Our hope is in Him and Him alone. When we can’t see our way, He does. He is our way maker.

Some days we don’t feel like doing certain things, some days we wonder what the future holds, some days we question yesterday. When we put those thoughts and feelings aside and declare God’s Holy Scriptures over our lives-things change. You will truly find He is the waymaker. Let’s pray:


Father, thank you that everything changes when we live by your Word. There is hope for every person, every circumstance, every heart can be made whole.

Father, as we journey life, we encounter situations that leave us almost speechless.  Devastation comes to us in many forms. One thing Father, we are thankful for is your Word is forever settled. We can apply it to our lives and believe. You truly are our way maker, miracle worker. Yes, that is truly who you are.

Today, we join our faith once again for people across this globe fighting a battle. Father, may the God of hope meet them today. Draw them by your spirit, we pray. Put people in their path today to bring hope to the hopeless. To bring food to the hungry. To bring consolation to the hurting. Thank you for being mankind’s  way maker. You will make a way even in the wilderness. Amen

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Jesus is your way maker. Talk to Him today, read His Word and believe.

Romans 10:13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.





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