Site icon For God's Glory Alone Ministries

We Want to Share With You Our Deep Love For Our Lord

PO BOX 65516 Albuquerque, NM 87193
Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede:
My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24 


To Dewey’s Daily Cup

Dear Family of God,

Click on the link below and read Dr. Jim Denison’s post on the Eagles winning the Super Bowl and giving Glory to God!

I wanted to share with you my deep love for our LORD and my wife Sharon. I am working harder than ever in my life. I do not boast in myself, I boast in my Lord! Our Dear Friend Kay Lawrence said, “I do not know where you get your energy” The LORD powers me for HIS glory alone. On Sunday I traveled to Clayton, NM to fill in for my Dear Friend Pastor Randall Floyd. Clayton is in the far NE corner of New Mexico. You can throw a rock into Oklahoma and Texas from there! LOL! LOL! It’s 4 hours from our house, up at 2am to post news and inspiration on our website and pray over my message, back home at 6:30pm.

This Sunday I travel to FBC in Reserve another 8 hours in the car. All for GOD’s GLORY!

I so much love to preach JESUS! I am just a common man, a circuit preacher who will travel anywhere to preach HIM! I was blessed that my Dear Friends Keith and Betty Gillentine of the music group Forever Pardoned traveled all the way from Quemado, NM, 9 hour drive, to provide the music for the service at Clayton Assembly of God.

Last night GOD awoke with me, showing that HE has taught me much in my time as a Circuit Preacher. HE has taught me to love more, to understand people better, to show me that politics, the nothing noise and ways of the world does not hold any water with HIM. GOD also has shown me that the politics of the Church is a good way to drown out the purpose of God.

GOD told me not to pay attention to the “nothing noise and ways” of the world.

Our sole focus needs to be on HIM. When we have a close relationship with HIM we hear HIM. GOD has made it so simple to have a relationship with HIM and HE had everything written down for us in the BIBLE, our instruction manual. Somehow we complicate all this and make a big mess. It’s all about GOD. I am just a simple man who is learning much from GOD, HE talks to me and shows me much!

I also want to share with you that since GOD put me into full-time ministry, Sharon and I are closer than ever! We had an AWESOME MARRIAGE before FGGAM, but the last almost 6 years, we have grown even closer together as one. GOD did that. It happened because of GOD and that we have open hearts fully to GOD, to do what HE wants us to do.

We still have challenges, many of them, like you and yours, but WE have GOD.

To sum it up, do not make your relationship with GOD complicated, get close to HIM, soak HIM in, soak in HIS WORDS and WAYS! You will hear HIM and HE will Show you much!

If you find yourself always stressed about Church and your relationship with GOD,  come travel rural New Mexico with me or go to Windom with me sometime, I promise you GOD will show you much.

Remember God is not a GOD of confusion, HE is a GOD of clarity.

Sometimes even God’s people get tied up in the “nothing noise and ways” of the world. 

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