Modern Day Circuit “Riding” Preacher


I met Pastor Dewey Moede, co-founder of FGGAM with his wife Sharon,  several years ago when I was invited to be a “guest DJ” on one of our local radio stations. We had been doubled booked, for the day, when one of the regular DJs had taken a week’s vacation. I was asked if I would be ok with this. I had no idea what was in store for me.

When we were on, we talked about many different subjects that day. Honestly, I do not remember what all of them were. I do remember, however, that there was a kindred spirit. I learned that Dewey, who I had heard from time to time on this station, was involved in radio ministry for years. This included managing another one of our local radio stations. At the end of the program we were guests on, Dewey had asked me to be one of the writers for “For God’s Glory Alone Ministry”.

As time went on, I learned more about Dewey. I learned he had done radio in Minnesota, where he is from. I also learned he did “Circuit preaching”. Many may not know what this is, and it was something I had hoped to do some day before becoming a pastor of our Fellowship, so, I am providing a link to a short YouTube video of old time Circuit “Riding” Preachers.

Click here to learn more about Circuit Riding Preachers

I have always had a respect for Circuit Riding Preachers or otherwise known as Circuit Preachers. They played an important part of many of the Revivals that occurred in The US and England. You may be familiar with some like John Wesley, George Whitfield and Francis Asbury. These men, and many others, would travel to rural areas, and preach The Gospel to people who would did not have a church they could attend. They also would fill pulpits, as needed, if there was no pastor available. They were very valuable in making sure that The Gospel was continued in getting out.

How does this tie into Dewey, you may ask? First, you might need to know that NM is a rural state. We may have a couple of metropolises, but for the most part, it is mostly rural. What that does is create some difficulties to fill pulpits throughout the state. The problem being is this, pastors of many rural areas, need to have a second job, to support their families. With that said, Dewey, as well as others, may get called from time to time to fill a pulpit either for a one time commitment or on a regular basis, until the church is able to find a pastor to fill it.

Dewey and I have had some experience together in ministry, outside of the radio program and FGGAM. He has started doing Revivals in his hometown, Windom, Minnesota, and been involved in other Revivals, which has lead him to do a Revival in Edgewood last year. He had invited me to be part of this revival. Doing Revivals in these areas are like filling a pulpit in a rural community. This on top of him traveling to Reserve, NM and other areas, on a regular basis to fill pulpits, as needed.

This Revival we did together, I got to see Dewey in action. I got to see a Man of God, deliver 2 messages that you could tell he had spent time in preparing in study, prayer, and experience. I was able to see that despite his busy schedule, that when it come time to prepare for the message that God put on his heart, he will make the time to prepare it and deliver it without any doubt. You can hear the passion in his voice when he gives it.

This lead me to talking to him about bringing a message to our fellowship. We had conversations about it. He felt he had a message he needed to share and asked when would be a good time for him to do so. I had planned to be on a Missions trip to Mexico in December of last year and asked if he would be able to fill the pulpit for me then. He agreed. Our Missions trip had to be postponed due to several schedule conflicts. I asked Dewey if he still wanted to come or postpone when he would come. His response, “It’s on my calendar to be there, Brother. God won’t let me out of any commitments I make.” (What another testimony of character of a Man of God)

He did not fail to bring yet another powerful message that he felt that God put on his heart. Our fellowship, though few in number that day, had been blessed to receive this message.

Although Dewey may not be like those of the old west circuit riding preachers, that rode horses (lol), he will get into his modern trusty stead, when he makes a commitment to any church, and bring a powerful message, that he had spent time in prayer, study and experienced. He in this aspect, is like those of the old west, bringing The Gospel where ever is needed to help further The kingdom of God.

Here is a post Dewey wrote about his Sunday at FBC in Reserve yesterday……up at 2:30am home at 5pm……….

This gift is from my Dear Sister in Christ Shari Johnson. It is a writing entitled ‘Minister, Compassion, Circuit Rider’, based on 2 Timothy 4:2-5.  It means so much after yesterday. I traveled to preach at FBC in Reserve, NM. I love the folks in Reserve! I love to preach JESUS! Yesterday I traveled in 40 to 30 miles of ice on top of snow, it started about 20 miles before I got to Aragon, NM. and then let up just outside of Reserve.

I traveled very carefully as I prayed to the Lord, the Lord told me to just keep going. I was pretty wore out by the time I got to the Church, but God revived me with so much Godly energy!

On my way home the road was clear and I got home to homemade beef stew made by my angel Sharon!

A couple of years ago when I was preaching in Quemado on the way home we got rain, then hail, then snow…everything turned to ice! That lasted about 25 miles.

In many spots you are all by yourself, but I have GOD! Not many travelers on the road and no cell phone service in many parts.

Those of you who support the ministry of FGGAM, help fill the pulpit for Churches. It will be 6 years this December when I started to Circuit Preach! It has helped me grow so much as a preacher, man of God, a husband, father and grandpa! I love rural New Mexico and Minnesota, I so much love all the people! I carry this Cross that my friend Michael Wojahn of Windom, Minnesota made for me. It was given to me the day I preached at my home Church ALC in Windom right after the Windom Revival. The love of JESUS is shown to me and Sharon by so many, especially in rural America, from New Mexico to Minnesota! AMEN!

You all help with your prayers, love offerings to FGGAM. You keep the ‘JESUS Car’ on the road! The ‘JESUS Car’ was donated to us 3 years ago by Pastor Ruben and Lucy Gomez of Midland, Texas.

Your donations keep me and the ‘JESUS Car’ on the road.

Life Verse for Founding Pastor Dewey Moede:

“But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” -Acts 20:24


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