Read What God Has Done, Awe of God!


We praise God for what He is doing with the ministry He has given us to oversee, reaching millions for Him! From all over the world! This little ministry out of our house in Albuquerque reaching around the globe for the Kingdom of God just blows my mind away! MILLIONS! Soon to be 4 million reached through the website over the last 5 years, and this does not count the church services, revivals, radio programs, newspaper, counseling, phone calls over the last 5 years! It is truly amazing! I pray you will take time to think about what God has done here at FGGAM…it should strengthen your faith in Him and what He can do, with common folk like me and Sharon. Sharon and I are in AWE of GOD!

Please pray about becoming a financial supporter of FGGAM to help us as we go into 2018. We thank all those who have gathered around the ministry, those who believe in what God has us doing, because this is not of me and Sharon this is of God.

Isaac returned for a bit to give the website an ‘tune-up”……this was very important in the mission God has given us, to reach one person at a time for Him……….the website is a free service of FGGAM, it is not cluttered with ads. Here is Isaac’s report……
What a cold day it was! Thankfully, the laptop I work on gets nice and toasty :) Anyway, I’ll get on topic now. It’s been a blessing for me to be part of the ministry of FGGAM, and I have just finished a “tune-up” (as Dewey calls it) of the website. Let me just say, WOW, it really didn’t need me to do much with it! Pastor Paul Holt has been taking great care of it, and it has been making record stats for unique visits every day!

There was, however, needed  infrastructure upgrade of a few specific technologies the website utilizes, which will bring increased speed and stability (seriously, it already has – hit that refresh button if you want!) I’m excited about the increased visitors and the performance of the website, and we’re always trying to make improvements on to make it easier for you, our readers. Both Pastor Dewey Moede and Pastor Paul Holt have done a great job of maintaining it, with thousands of original articles, posts, and updates – AD FREE! Not many blog/newspaper/article based websites are ad-free these days!
Let’s not forget to mention and thank all of our WRITERS & VOLUNTEERS! What a blessing to be a part of it! And I want to thank the supporters, visitors, and the followers of For God’s Glory Alone Ministries!

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