Good day to you dear friends in Christ! I hope your day is good; and if your day holds some difficulties to overcome, I pray that you have the grace to get through all things well! As this is the “day-after-Thanksgiving,” (the Holiday), I hope you are enjoying some wonderful “Left-Overs”! I pray you had plenty of smiles and laughter as you gathered together with some family and friends.
encouragement in the Word of Christ
However, this post is not about the tradition of the holiday, because the Spirit of the Lord has it on my heart to write to those who need a “lift-up / hand-up” during this traditionally difficult time of facing changes that ‘can’ upset and rock our world; if we don’t have the encouragement in the Word of Christ who lives in us; when we 1st believe.
The Lord whispered in me, “I don’t give “left-overs;” … “I am the Source of “Brand-New(s)”daily.
“God is he Source of “Brand-New(s)”daily.
At any time, during this message, IF you have never confessed to God that you need Jesus, please pause to do so! Because, before any of the Truths from God can be activated in your life and made to be effective for any of us, the 1st thing we need to do is to be Born-Again in our New Life with Christ! God, will come to live in your heart and you will know this by the ability God brings to you to experience life with God;
The Truths from God can be activated in your life when you believe!
- (1.) The Death of Jesus for “the world” (for you), because the consequence of sin is eternal separation from God. God is For us, despite the sin in “the world” (God is for you despite the sin in you). The Death of Jesus was for “the world” and Jesus was the only way! Jesus was the only one who qualified! And we needed a Savior! Through the death of Jesus, God made a way to restore “living spiritual life” to us! This is a gift of God’s Grace through Faith we are saved! God loves us all this much! There is “living spiritual death”, because of sin that “the world” needed to be saved from. Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life! Jesus made a bridge for us with His own body, to come back into a relationship with God. If you feel a tug at your heart to believe, know that God is a Spirit; and God will breath life into our spirit, when you believe what your heart is saying to you: that you need God’s love for you! When your heart is void and desires God, believe, because God SO LOVED “the world” (And, God still loves you).
- (2.) The Burial of Jesus (for you) for the burial of the old ways to be gone (buried) from whosoever will believe; that the new Life in Christ may come (for you)!
- (3). The Resurrection of Christ Jesus for “the world” (for you) for the Spirit of the living God through Christ Jesus, to come and live in you)! If you get this; you will never be the same! There is the New Life of HOPE; on earth as it is in Heaven, in Christ; and there is an eternal purpose to be spiritually born-again!
Why did Jesus called Lazarus by Name?
God is FOR you!
God desires to be with you!
Have you made your heart available to meet the Living Lord Jesus, as your Savior and Lord?
- 1. Thank Giving Benefit #1: The Miracle of LIFE! Chances are, it was through a challenge that you have never faced before that drew you to desire a growing relationship with a forgiving and eternal God! And, this is Thanks Giving Benefit #1. Thank You, Jesus!
In Closing:
I hope message series on “Thanks-Giving Benefits” is a blessing to you; and an encouragement of strength and of courage to allow “the attitude of gratitude” to grow in your heart after you believe; that you may discover the wonderful blessings that are set before you … To be set free from the chains of worry, guilt and even self-condemnation; that no matter what you see, or how you feel; that you may decide to choose a way (faith in God’s Way) that God sees the rest of the story beyond what you see. HOPE in JESUS is a powerful position to choose. I hope you return; as there is more to post on this subject soon. And, to God be the glory.
5 “Thanks-Giving Benefits”
over the next few weeks here at FGGAM:
The Lord has given to me at this time, 5 “Thanks-Giving Benefits” that I hope to share with you over the next few weeks here at FGGAM!
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Related to these; You may also read …by Clicking Here for the link:
Exercising your “Thanks-Giving Abilities” by “Returning to Jesus to give Thanks-Giving to God, by Karen Rowe”
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.
The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love (2012 Published for you)
our ministry gift to you…
Write for your copy, of The Train Whistle, as our ministry gift to you! We believe this book is written to share with you; and so we honor God in all that we do:
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 441, Efland, NC 27243
*Please include a return address for response!