Sometimes, I just Forget… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Sometimes, I Just Forget…


Good morning beautiful people. Yesterday I was driving to interview a young evangelist that had come to be part of some convention meetings in my area. As I left to make my way the twenty minute drive, the rain just poured down so fast and furious I couldn’t see. I pulled over and decided that I better re-schedule and head back for home.

This morning I was praying for this young evangelist Carl and his wife and beautiful family. I thanked the Lord that He orders this families footsteps. I thanked the Lord that He opens the doors for this evangelist and provides everything he and his family needs.

I sorta got a little mad at myself and asked myself, Why didn’t you pray and ask the Lord to hold the rain until you got there? I just didn’t think of it until this morning, as I shook my head at myself.

I have a friend Laurie that asked the Lord to stop the rain for a man that was working on her brothers chimney. The man asked her “why don’t you ask your God to stop the rain and if your God does, I will go to church with you tomorrow”. So she did. She went home and prayed and asked God to stop the rain. Yes, God stopped the rain all around this house. The man came by and told her that it never rained at her brothers house until after he was all done. It rained at all the other houses around her brothers place. Needless to say, the man went to church with her the next day.

That my friend is the God we serve. The all powerful, Almighty God,  master of the wind and maker of the rain.

My friend Heidi would sing this song Master Of The Wind at Aglow International meetings when she was president here in this city. She made me a recording, but I wore it out. I guess it’s time to request another copy to help me remember. 

Don’t I have amazing friends? 

No matter what you have need of today, don’t forget to pray. He is a God that answers prayer. Read Mark 14 today. Focus in on verses 14-18.

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Jesus truly loves you. 


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