May we open with prayer.
Father, I thank you for this opportunity to serve you in this way. I thank you that you love us too much to let us stay the way we are! Lord, I know you will go with us where ever the Holy Spirit leads. I pray for a special anointing for the upcoming For God’s Glory Alone Ministries Revival that is to be held next week in Windom! May many come to know you Jesus in a personal way. I pray lives will be changed for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Lead us, guide us, reveal yourself to us & protect us.
Father in this world, we ask you to place a hedge of protection around each person, family, community and broaden those boundaries as more and more of your children come to know you as their Lord. Protect them as they come. Open doors no man can open. Close doors no man can close. Father, may we all serve you well by our growing faith! May we not forget any of your Benefits that you forgive all sins and you heal all diseases! Oh, Thank you Jesus for listening to us; and answering our every prayer. Comfort those who are hurting and lead us to help those in need. Wrap your arms around them Lord through us and let them feel your love. In Jesus Name, amen.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this was to be my small devotion for Instagram! But, instead, has grown into this 4-5 Part Teaching Series that I believe God has put this for you on FGGAM! I hope this is a blessing to you! And, like we always say growing in God’s Word, “If you get this, you will never be the same!” “And, To God be the Glory!” I hope you will join me in reading this series; & also in thanking Pastor Dewey Moede for his willingness and outreach here at FGGAM! I pray the Revival will grow! I am grateful to serve on God’s Team for Christ!
The Beginning!
Have you ever just needed to get one thing done; & then you can’t find the right tool for that one simple task? This can be a situation that the enemy can use to toss some frustration at you.
Monday morning, I turned on the computer to do one simple task; and the battery to the mouse was dead!
With an early morning, “Really?” come with it; INSTEAD of frustration, an early morning revelation; and with a Hallelujah!
Friends, may I share with you that the difference was what I chose to do 1st! I almost put that busy and important task first, before getting the Lord’s word that was written to me! But, I paused BEFORE I took the mouse in my hand to replace the battery; and looked first for the Word God had waiting on me in God’s Book, we call the Bible!
IMMEDIATELY after I pondered what the Lord would say to me in my Daily Devotion on this particular VERSE of the Day, The Holy Spirit gave me this beginning that has been growing in revelations all week! God’s Word applies to our life every minute of every day! What a blessing God’s Word is to me!
“He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God (John 3:18 KJV).”
As a battery is to a mouse for the power to work & work well with a computer; so it is with our spirit of life when Christ brings life to us and the power of love that works well in our life with God!
We have to be connect to God in our obedience to make God’s Word effective in our life!
Our spirit life is seen in this world “like this battery” that was dead BEFORE CHRIST had died and was Risen to life, BUT Christ Jesus has given us like a NEW battery; a reborn spirit to life with God!
- What are we doing to make God’s Word effective in our life?
- What are some of the things we can do to make God’s Word Non-Effective in our life?
Life is connected to God!
Jesus connects us to life!
The next time you feel the temptation to become frustrated, remember that the Name of Jesus thru His death, burial and resurrection has supplied all your needs! Do not forget any of His benefits, but discover the blessing is coming into fellowship with God!
This just may be the perfect opportunity to ask God what He has waiting for you to be found in His Word. God has a Word waiting for you to discover that applies well in your life today! God’s Word prepares me each day to help me survive well and overcome whatever comes my way! God’s word will prepare you to overcome all things as well; and help you survive your day by grace and with peace in the manifest presence of God! Thank You Jesus!
As the Lord has given this Revelation to me first to get my attention; This message, is brought to you by the revelation as God has given it to me.
This message began on Monday. Yesterday, I believe the Lord gave me what I believe He called the Intro to this message, I hope this is a blessing to you as well!
Next up: Making God’s Word Effective!
- Part II: The Intro: Sneak peek,”Have you ever felt the pressure of running late? And, it’s like when the car in front of you is going 43 MPH The speed limit is set at 45 MPH. But you really feel a great need & desire to be going 50 MPH? How do you determine the right or wrong in these relationships with each other as we travel along in life? Making God’s Word Effective!
- Part II: The Teaching with Prayer and Praise!
Love in Christ,
Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.
The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love.
Making God’s Word Effective, by Karen Rowe, Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.
- Part 1: The Beginning
- Part II: The Intro
- Part II: The Teaching with Prayer & Praise!
- A Final Thought: Is the Holy Spirit Visible or Invisible?
Contact Hope in Today Ministries:
Karen Rowe
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc.
The Train Whistle, Sounding the call of God’s Love.
Follow on Instagram: rowe4629
Write for your copy of the Train Whistle, Sounding the call God’s love today! This book is our Ministries’ gift to you; and to God be the Glory!
Hope in Today Ministries, Inc. PO Box 441, Efland, North Carolina 27243