Come Honor Gene and Margaret Duerksen at The Windom Revival

The Windom Revival starts on Friday November 10th and runs through Saturday November 11th at the BARC! We pray that you see you there! Two nights of inspiration in preaching, teaching, music, love of Jesus, all for the Glory of God! Come and be inspired in the love of Jesus both nights! Saturday night we are blessed to honor Gene and Margaret Duerksen for their service to the Kingdom! Gene and Margaret’s daughter, Lynn Stoneking will be singing for us! We also will celebrate Gene’s birthday!!!

I pray we fill the BARC both nights for JESUS!

We have so many powerful messages for you Friday and Saturday!

Let us pray for a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit in southwestern Minnesota, Amen!

Now, I would like you to read this post from Lynn Stoneking, it is just full of the love of JESUS!

Lynn Stoneking 

Saturday, NOV 11 – around 6pm.
Barc Auditorium in Windom, MN.

Our parents – Gene & Margaret Duerksen – will be sharing their Testimony of God’s Faithfulness in their lives through:

• 50 years of Type 1 Diabetes
• partial Blindness
• Kidney dialysis
• Kidney Transplant (25 yrs!)
• Triple-bypass ❤️ surgery
• Breast Cancer
• survivor of the Westnile virus in his brain
• below-knee Leg amputation
• Skin cancer from medications to keep his kidney functioning
• Toes amputated (March 2017)

Friends…If you have lost Hope in a Loving God & creator; if you’re feeling unseen, unloved, wondering where God is in the midst of your pain and struggles…please PLEASE, come to hear Gene’s testimony and the many other brothers & sisters listed below.

We have all walked through the ‘valley of the shadow of death’ at some point in our lives; and yet, they KNOW that they serve a mighty God through Jesus Christ, who sees even them, and CARES greatly for them, and walks the valley hand-in-hand with them. ❤️

Phillipians 1:6 – “…being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

* NOV 11th is also Gene’s 68th birthday; come celebrate LIFE with us that night!

Be Curious, and be #Blessed by each person involved in sharing this weekend!
See you there????????, friends!


From the Cottonwood County Citizen……

Moede quoted a piece about old-time evangelist Gypsy Smith, who asked his audience if they truly wanted to see a revival begin.
“When the people said, yes, Gypsy replied, ‘Then go back home draw a circle around you on the floor, then get down on your knees in the middle of that circle and ask God to convert everybody inside that circle. When you do that and God answers, you are experiencing the start of revival,’ ” Moede, says quoting the piece. “So it starts with us — in our homes.”

Please join us now in Dr. Richard Mansfield’s prayer……..

Lord, it’s been one year since so many gathered in Windom and experienced a mighty move of God. As this year’s meeting roles around, were believing You for an even greater move of Your Holy Spirit. We’re asking You Lord to begin even now to pour out Your Holy Spirit throughout Cottonwood County. Bring people to join us from Windom, Mountain Lake, Bingham Lake, Storden, Jeffers, Westbrook, Heron Lake, Worthington, Jackson, Lakefield, St. James, Mankato, Iowa and South Dakota and beyond. Let Your Spirit Call people of all ages, all backgrounds to experience a touch of Your Holy Spirit. Bring Salvations, Healings, Reconciliations and a Oneness throughout the BARC in Winmdom as we gather to be Peacemakers in a broken and hurting world on November 10 & 11. Fill Pastor Dewey as well as all of the other speakers, musicians that will be ministering that weekend. Thank You Lord Jesus for all that You are already doing in Windom as well as what You will be doing. I want to thank You in advance in Jesus name, Amen!
We pray that we see you both nights!

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