Awakening, Revival And Lobster… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


Awakening, Revival And Lobster…


Good morning beautiful people. Isn’t it fun journeying with Jesus? Remember the young evangelist Carl, I wrote about in my post Sometimes, I just forget? I had scheduled a radio interview with Him last week but had to cancel due to the rain. I tired to drive but decided to turn back for home. Well does God have a timing for everything. 

Friday evening my brother and I attended a meeting at I Care Ministries and who did I run into? This man’s wife. I was finally able to interview Him after the meeting. Dear goodness this man is also a lobster man. He had been selling lobsters down the road prior to the meeting. Guess what we were eating at a very late hour Friday night? Yummy lobster.

I celebrated Veterans day with family, visited family along the way and met with some friends, some new friends and some old. Don’t you love friends? When we come together it empowers us to take on the world. I enjoyed a muffin and coffee and took a napkin from the table as we were taking about vision for the future. As we continued to pray and write, I noticed the napkin in the holder and it read What Did You Do To Change The World Today? I brought that napkin home with me. I am a world changer, and so are you! Don’t you just love that He knows the way we should take? Let’s thank Him today.

Father, thank you for journeying life with us every day. Thank you that you know the way we should take. Thank you that we are world changers. Thank you for blessing abundantly the ministries you have called us too. We break off any small thinking, any lack. Were going higher with you Jesus. We submit control of our lives to you.

Thank you for this Awakening, this Revival. Continue to pour out your Spirit and we will continue to pray and give thanks. Thank you for making us world changers. Thank you for the traveling evangelist lobster man. Enlarge his territory we pray. His fire is contagious. Amen

P.S. Forgive me for bragging too much about living in Maine. The way life should be. 

Have a blessed day beautiful people. Leave your mark on the world today. 

Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalm 34:5

Nehemiah said, Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10

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