Pastor Appreciation from a Pastor’s Wife

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A Cheerleading Story

“We’ve got spirit, yes we do. We’ve got spirit, how bout you?”

To be a spirit girl would be so cool. Therefore, I tried out for cheerleader in high school.

After the first round, it came down to three of us vying for two available spots. They nixed Yours truly. While disappointed, honestly, the other two girls proved far better at rah-rah stuff—flips, jumps, and everything.

And my sister, Wendi, ten years younger, grew up blossoming in dance and gymnastics classes. So she was a shoo-in for cheerleader.

But, guess what? I am cheering these days, just in a different way and for a new cause.

I’m my husband Mike’s biggest cheerleader. His cool-spirit-girl. It’s a place I’m blossoming and it rocks!

Appreciating as a Wife

It’s no secret. I’m a pastor’s wife. As duly noted on my blog site and in my author and speaker biographies. The title graces the pages of my story. I use the hashtag often, #pastorswife, on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

And the role has become more important to me the last few years. The Lord is stirring a sense of awareness in my heart for the sanctity of callings.

Still, God’s call to ministry isn’t to be taken lightly. My calling or my husband’s. There was a time I downplayed the awe of it. My life was consumed with life. Cares and duties. Responsibilities and activities. Mostly secular in nature, they lobbied for my precious time and attention.

All that to say I’ve bid farewell to the world’s constant distractions. Actually, I tried before, unsuccessfully. Now my life is more about ministry.

A busy schedule is OK with me if it has kingdom purpose. And when it brings my heart and the hearts of others closer to Jesus.

I’ve resolved to stop and smell the roses. Yet when there aren’t roses, I will stop regardless.

And cease the insanity of the hustle and bustle in life. There is a point it needs to stop or we never have the pleasure of smelling roses along the way…to appreciate.

Pastor Appreciation Shout Out 

Sunday, October 8, is Pastor Appreciation Day (Also known as Clergy Appreciation Day). But we set aside the entire month as Pastor Appreciation Month to say, Thank you. A time to honor our pastors and ministers.

For almost 20 years Mike served as a youth pastor. Currently he shepherds as a lead pastor. Here’s my new cheer, “I have a pastor, yes I do. I have a pastor, how bout you?”

So I’m speaking up on behalf of my husband, no matter how many social manners it breaks. Giving a shout out to Mike, and to pastors and ministers everywhere.

Appreciating the Duty of Care

One of the meanings for “appreciating” is to be aware of someone’s value. I appreciate my pastor, Mike, who happens to be my husband. I am fully aware of his value as my spiritual leader and the spiritual leader of Believers Church in Tennessee.

You see, pastors provide spiritual direction and care for the church body. Pastors give us valuable leadership and teaching in the ministry of the Word.

And pastors set the example of obedience to the mission of Christ and His Church. “Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith” Hebrews 13:7 ESV.

Verse 17 in Hebrews goes on to implore the body of Christ to submit to our spiritual leaders for “they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.” That’s some heavy-duty responsibility. One to appreciate.

Appreciating Our Shepherds

Called to shepherd the flock of God, pastors exercise oversight knowing that when the Chief Shepherd appears, they will be rewarded (1 Peter 5:2-4).

Pastors tenderly watch over us as a shepherd watches over his sheep. Shepherds always keep a sheep’s best interest in mind, looking out for the sheep’s well-being.

Do you appreciate your pastor? The duty of care? The valuable leadership? Your pastor’s teaching and ministry of the Word? The shepherding?

I have a pastor, yes I do. A pastor I appreciate. How bout you?

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