I’m certainly not your ordinary missionary. When most people think of a missionary, they consider the work on foreign fields and those works are mighty and necessary. But few consider the United States as a missionfield.
The hard truth is, America has just as much a need for missionaries as any country in the world. And while I serve foreign mission fields as well through Marietta Bible College, I have no less a burden for my own land. I love this country, and I desire to see her in the God Glorifying state that she was once in. I believe that starts one city at a time, and God has laid Windom, Minnesota on my heart.
However… a journey such as this isn’t cheap. I humbly ask that you consider supporting my mission trip this November as I move forward for God doing a great work, and perhaps beginning a great and mighty revival across our land. I’d like to start by stirring up a few gals in Windom and this morning I’d like to stir you a litle too! I read this morning a scripture in Hebrews, Chapter 10, verse 24
And let is consider one another to provoke unto love to good works.
Countless times I’ve used Hebrews 10:25 as a reminder about the need of attending the house of God. But this morning I thought on the these words. Perhaps a precursor to seeing an amazing work in the house of God! Provoking people with purpose. Provoking has a negative connotation to me when I see the word, after all it is defined as “to stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.” So why is it used in the scripture prior to people attending the house of God? Have you ever shared the gospel with someone in hopes of getting them to church, it’s not always easy is it? It’s not easy being a servant of God. He didn’t say it would be, but it’s always worth it.
This morning as I talked to God about my life and the Windom trip, He was very clear about what He wanted for me. And that was to “Focus.” That has been a word that God has used again and again in our conversations. Focus on the task at hand. But He added to that the word align. Aligning oneself is to get directly in that path. He brought to mind the illustration of a carpenter who flips the chalkline for a straight line, and that is the path he takes. When He starts me on a path, He’s drawn that line from where I am to where I’m to go and I need to stay on it. Aligned with God. Focused. That’s been Minnesota for while. He’s kept those friends in my view every day. There’s a work there for me to do and I believe it’s to be a part of provoking the Love of God in that city so that He can do a mighty work. No, it’s not a foreign mission field, but it’s a missionfield for me. A place to share the Love of God and to see a “good work.”
Below is the link to support the trip. I am an unfunded missionary. I don’t have a job, but I have faith that God will provide. He does that though people who can’t go, but want to be a part of the mission work. I pray you’ll consider my cause. In His love and for His Glory,
Shari (the Jesus Chick)
Please join us in prayer led by Pastor Bill Ruhl of Albuquerque, NM for Windom Revival 2017……….Let us all remember REVIVAL starts with prayer…..
Would you join me over the next two months to pray for Dewey Moede, FGGAM, and the Windom Revival 2017? Revival comes when it is first “birthed” in prayer, then “bathed” in continual prayer, and finally we ” bask” in the answered prayer of an outpouring of God’s Revival Fire in the hearts of His people.
James 5:6 states: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
That’s the birthed (effectual) bathed (fervent) prayer of a believer (righteous man) bask in God’s answer (availeth much).
Dewey has a pure heart of compassion and love for the community of Windom, Minnesota. As listeners and readers from around the world, will you join us here at FGGAM to produce a concert of prayer for a great outpouring of God’s presence, His love and compassion on display, at the Windom Revival 2017.
“Lord, start now! Release Your Spirit of Revival in the hearts of men and women throughout this nation and the world. Let our prayers be the spark that ignites a massive Revival Fire within your Church! Blessed are the peacemakers (prayers): for they shall be called the children of God.” Amen!
Blessings, Pastor Bill Ruhl – Global Destiny Ministry and Vice-chair FGGAM